Preparing for SmustardOrganizer script
What error message(s) do you get?
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Azuby has written his rbs scripts for the Tools folder. And RpTools stuff goes there too.
@gata said:
Azuby has written his rbs scripts for the Tools folder. And RpTools stuff goes there too.
That's right, someone put yamland date stuff in my Tools folder. I think it must have been RPS Space Designer when I tried it some time ago.
@rickw said:
What error message(s) do you get?
i am assuming this question was directed to me.
well, actually i have not bought it yet. i read somewhere (probably in smustard) a statement that led me to believe some testing was going to be done before announcing that the script runs well on macs. i apologize if understood it wrong.
@unknownuser said:
NOTE: There have been some issues reported with using this on Mac, so until they are resolved, this (unfortunately) is for PC only, for now. I will post a revised version when it works on Mac
this is what i referred to in my other posting. from this i assumed one has to wait for a mac version.
I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to traverse the Tools folder as well, but could provide the "opportunity" for duplicate menu items if there are same-named subfolders in both Plugins and Tools. I have the suspicion, though, that items in the Tools folder will have fixed menus.
.rbs files can't be edited by OrganizerEdit to be made to work with Organizer, so it will be up to the authors to accommodate the possibility prior to encryption.
Rick, I'll have to run the organizer script every time I change (add / remove some) the ruby scripts right? I would assume so, just need to be clear on it.
If so, I just add the scripts to the plugins folder and run the script again, that shouldn't have a negative effect on the scripts already "organized" right?
If you run OrganizerEdit on your scripts, then organize them in subfolders (one level deep only), they will all load whenever you start SketchUp, with submenu items according to their locations. If you rearrange them, then restart SketchUp, they will automatically load with new submenu items, because the submenus are created dynamically at load-time based on the subfolder name.
If a script/plugin comes Organizer-ready, there's nothing to do - it will load when you load Sketchup, however you decide to organize it.
If it's not Organizer-ready, you'd have to run OrganizerEdit to make it Organizer-compatible. That wouldn't affect the other scripts.
You could, I suppose (haven't tried it yet), run Organizer manually when you downloaded a new script to bring it into the menu. It shouldn't duplicate menu items for previously-loaded scripts.
Did I answer your question?
Kind of, I suppose. Trial and error will tell...
There are two parts to Organizer. One part is OrganizerEdit, which will rewrite .rb files with a bit of code so that they can be placed in a subfolder and loaded to submenus corresponding to the subfolder. Once the file is edited, it can be moved to any subfolder and will load appropriately - you don't need to re-edit it to move it around.
The second part is Organizer, which does three things: it reads the immediate subfolders of the Plugins folder, creates a submenu in the Plugins menu for each folder it finds (and that isn't in the "exclude" file), and creates a menu item in that submenu for each .rb file it finds in that subfolder. That's a bit over-simplified, but it gets the idea across.
So, if you decide you want to move a .rb file from Plugins/Draw to Plugins/Modify, just move it. The next time you start SketchUp, that script will be in the Plugins>Modify menu without you having to do anything but move the file.
I've almost finished work on a tool to help make the best use of Organizer. It will traverse your plugins and determine which files need to be located directly in the "Plugins" folder (anything that is "required" by another plugin should be either in the "Plugins" folder or the "Tools" folder).
This will solve about 99% of the problems some users have with Organizer (moving files that shouldn't be moved).
This file will be included with the Organzier download.
I remember the hard times to do such things manualy
Rick, will revised version (-s) be available for free upgrade to existing script owners or not?
Generally, updates are free to previous customers. We haven't really had upgrades yet, but that will be up to the author. I expect upgrades would generally have a nominal upgrade fee.
The tool I mentioned above will be part of an update, so it will be free to existing Organizer license owners.
Sweet, so I'll get an e-mail then notifying me just as I got an e-mail the other day asking for feedback.
I can do that. But the best way to stay informed is to "subscribe" - RSS and Atom feeds are available.
There are several readers and subscription managers out there ( , , others), and you can get updates and news about the latest scripts delivered directly.
I've been thinking about an automatic email notifier, but haven't implemented it yet...
I've already got Smustard on my RSS feeds...
Cool! Then you're all set
Hi Rick,
I got the organizer and install many of my scripts there in different folder, it seems that many of the file did not get change but i will still look thru all of them, i already saw some that are not but they are neither in the log file.
another thing that i am getting is this message and I don't know what to do with it,"Error Loading File organizer.rb
undefined method `add_item' for nil:NilClass"thank you for your help there.