HELP ME!!!!!
im designing a new unit for command and conquer 3 (completely fictional but its a time killer) and i cant get my head around the drape too (if thats the right one to use) ive attached the model i want to put the logo onto the barrel can anyone help me?
also can anyone think of a cool name for it
Nice model, though going by the level of detail and nr of poly's used on just the barrel you might want to go low poly next time, these should be through the roof. A game like cnc3 would never be able to handle that.
as for the logo I would go with a texture.
The drape tool will only "drape" outlines ( edges) onto a contour.
Rob is right you what you need in order to wrap a texture around a contour is the to use a "projected" texture onto the softened surface. Best way is to bring the logo into SketchUp ( import : Image) explode it. With the "sampler" from the Material Browser, sample the image and then paint bucket it onto the surface. -
The quick way to do it, is to just pull/push beyond the
barrel surface and intersect. It does not give the same
accurate effect as a wrap around, which is possible but
would take a lot of time.If you really wanted the embossed effect on the logo it
could be cobbled by doing more P/P and joining surfaces.Quickie attached.
PS: I think the 'Don't Draw What Won't Be Seen' rule
might apply here -
wow thanks a lot for the input guys its all much appreciated and now sorted, ive pretty much finished the modelling now so i can start texturing up.
The unit SU model was mainly for concept art cnc3 is good but i realise it couldnt handle the copmplexity of the model, they have created complex looking units by clever texturing which is what i had hoped to use here-
taking the overall textures of the unit and creating a much simpler series of blocks to give the effect that the untextured SU model hasagain thanks a lot for your speedy responses and help!