Any .skp file such as the one called Display Cabinet under the materials forum downloads as a .php file when I click on the link and I can't open it. Those links that are .zip files work fine. I got the same results with Safari and Explorer. I don't think the problem is a broken link but I don't know enough about this sort of thing to say.
P: jmac
Jmac, since I don't experience this problem, your input is extremely important and valuable (these forums are just developing "in/on the fly" now). I'll make a note of this to the site admin. Until then, how about just renaming the file to be a simple skp one?
Renaming the file worked! Thanks!
I am clicking on the link itself.
P: jmac
@jmac said:
Renaming the file worked! Thanks!
I am clicking on the link itself.
Then you probably ought to do something with your browser/system settings so that the browser does not save the webpage but the file clicked. I don't know too much about macs.
To the best of my knowledge it's not saving the webpage. It's just saving the file with a .php extension and warning me before downloading that this is an application file. I download anyway and change the file extension to .skp and the file icon changes to a SketchUp file icon and opens perfectly in SU. I've been using Mac's for a long time and if there is something I could chnge I am not aware of it. Chang
Changing the extension works fine for me.
P: jmac
@jmac said:
Changing the extension works fine for me.
OK, but we'd like to spare users here from needing to do that. Thanks anyway for pointing this out...
I also experience some problems when downloading attachments, however I found that if I disable download managers and let the OS do it's own thing then there aren't any problems in downloading attachments.
Are you also on MAC?
Nice assumption Juju - it should go to the Windows vs Mac topic!
It seems to me that too many topics are at some point converted to Win vs Mac topics. Couldn't we skip it? Everything that can be said about that has been said over and over in other venues, does it have to be repeated here?
Not to beat a dead horse but you said you wanted info...I just down loaded a couple of files from the Google pro forum and they downloaded just fine as skp files. I don't know why but it seems the download issue may be at your end.
P: jmac
Thanks Jim, I'll make a note to Coen about this.
I've not yet had this download problem in this forum. I remember that I've had it in the old @Last/Google forum a couple of times. Never with .skp or image files, but several times with .rb files. What made it even stranger was that I was able to dl .rb files from most members but not from some and that the problem was very consistent.
My workaround at that time was switching from Firefox to MSIE for just those downloads.Download managers can indeed interfere with dl filenames, in FDM is a checkbox "automatically create filename". With that turned off losts of dl's end up as .php, .htm, .aps and so on. Often useless files for which renaming is not a solution.
P: Maggy
Hey Maggy, I liked your previous pic way better (this scares me - I don't know why...)
I'm just taming my computer, not you
P: Magy
@gaieus said:
Hey Maggy, I liked your previous pic way better (this scares me - I don't know why...)
me too
not the sleeping one
@anssi said:
It seems to me that too many topics are at some point converted to Win vs Mac topics. Couldn't we skip it? Everything that can be said about that has been said over and over in other venues, does it have to be repeated here?
@unknownuser said:
I agree. Let's cut the BS about Mac vs PC (although I have contributed to this myself at times).
I agree 100%. let us not turn this marvellous meeting place of generous people into "us" and "them". no matter what computer one uses our focus is doing great stuff with SU (+ whatever app happens to help us do it) and learning from each other.
learning, helping and enjoying our exchanges should be our mottos.
best wishes to all and thank you for everything so far.
that's why there is no Mac and PC rooms... and you'll be happy to hear no one has suggested it...
.skp files still downloading as .php files. Thanks for trying.
P: jmac