Changing centre point of orbit - Space Navigator
Dear All
I have just bought a 3D mouse, Space Navigator from 3D Connexions and it work fine with Sketchup, in fact i don't think I could do without it. However I can only get it to orbit around the original Sketchup origin point. I understand that there is a way to change the centre of orbit using the Space Navigator control panel but I can't seem to find it.
Does anybody have experience they can share.
Thanksgiving Greetings from Dropinarchitect
Just go to Plug ins; 3Dsketchup; second is center of rotation on selection; go to the desired point; rightmouseklick and select your point
That's it
Good luck
Bert -
Dear Bert
Thanks for your response. I agree your way appears to be the common sense way, however it still doesn't work form me.
Thanks anyway