Generally you don't have to actually rotate the model 10 degrees, just rotate the view. I agree that snaps can often be too sticky to more "powerful" snaps though. I find I need the black snap often, buts its always over-ridden by red or green.
Chris Fullmer
I'm not sure what the black snap isMaybe this should be in the wish list. A simple single keystroke that will force the perpendicular or extention snap.
The black snap is the intersection snap. Draw a rectangle and both diagonals. Where they cross each other, you will find a black snap.
Sorry I knew that. I guess I wasn't thinking. It's still early. Ihaven't had my coffee yet.
I think the workaround is to change the axes temporarily to be out of way and at the end just right click and choose "restore".
It will however restore the very original global axes so if you are working with already changed ones and want to reasore those, this wouldn't be good (or you can do it manually)
I have two questions about your tut.- How did you get the construction line colinear w AC in scene 2?
- Hoe did you get the inference colinear with line AC in scene 4?
I ran into a problem I posted in a different topic before. As I was replying to Jeans tut when I hit the submit button this text box went blank and nothing posted. I had to retype it. I have had this problem several times in the past. I dont know if it is my computor or if it is something withthe site. It only seams to happen on my work computer and not from home or school. It also seams to be only when I type several lines. If I keep it short it doesnt happen. Just wanted to let you know.
when you start a construction line other than from the endpoint on an edge and you move along the edge itself, it will always be colinear.
start drawing from the endpoint and hover along the edge you want to make longer. When it say "on edge", press the shift key and you are locked in that line. Now you can move it into the other direction.
As for your other post - are you also logged out at these times? Is it not possible that someone posted right while you were typing and the system only "offers" a post review?
Are cookies from scf allowed on this machine of yours? -
Gaieus, Jean
I got it to work. Thanks for your help.