A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, Its 1 inch bigger
I wish i had a mac.
granted, but the world has been taken over by a race of highly trained monkeys after they decided our inefficient ways were damaging the world.
i wish i knew the question to the answer 42.
Granted its The answer to life the universe and everything (seriosly)
i wish my cousin would divorce his "loving" wife who seriosly just wants him for money. she asked him for 2000 dollars and didnt come back for a week. (thats true)
Granted, but first of of you must loose weight so you can get into your car and take off.
I wish my heard of elephants would not get so drunk next time.
granted, but you only get it when you wear that rather fetching turtle neck jumper he's got.
I wish it was summer.
Granted, but you're forced to move to the Arctic due to "work commitments".
I wish I were a little bit taller...
Granted, Now your so tall you go above the atmosphere, because of the lack of oxygen, you must bend down for the rest of your life in an uncomfoterble kind of way.
I wish i didnt have to work 3 mini jobs plus law school to pay for the merc's repairs.
@remus said:
granted, but you only get it when you wear that rather fetching turtle neck jumper he's got.
You don't want to see me in a turtle neck--It's really scary. I'd look like an orange on a q-tip. I have a Globitron head"back to the game. . .
The Merc's repairs. . .Granted. You now have a Pontiac, and its repairs are worse--as most Pontiacs. By the way, Pontiac is an Native American word for "Shoulda bought a Subaru"
I wish I could get my house built.
Granted, but it has no windows or doors.
Hopefully you can walk through walls.I wish I knew what to wish for.
Yay! its a V8 G8 (that sounded wierd) thank you..
Granted you will wish you had a pink 98 Civic.
Granted (lol
I wish could choose BTM's wish.
Granted, but it must include the words "KDSDESIGN R.I.P."
I wish my fish camp SU model were done so I could move on to the next great thing.
Granted but you finish it too fast and it looks bad
i wish i had a luxury house and not a luxury apartment
granted but it burns down and you have to live in a sewer
i wish this stupid game would end
Granted, but so does your liquor
I wish people would refrain from posting here when drunk.
granted but know this games is boring
i still wish this game would end.
Please dont ruin this game. obviosly you dont like it. if you dont like it, dont participate in it, simple as.Anyways...
Granted, but there will be one just like it made tommorow.
i wish i wasnt in law school 12/7
granted, now you're in law school 24/8; they expect your family to chip in a few hours too.
I wish SketchUp would use UV maps, aswell as have a paint-on-surface tool, like in the higher-end programs (modo & such)
Granted but your career just changed and you no longer get to use SU... EVER!
I wish my neck would stop hurting.