A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, but you become an easy target for the local sheriff deputy’s radar gun...
I wish I had a 27" iMac.
Granted, but your iMac is infected with Skynet and deletes Sketchup every time you try and download it.
I wish someone would reply on my writer's thread.
Granted, but I would then feel obligated to comment on every thread on the forum, so I would have to spend many hours a day, every day, on my computer, for the rest of my life. Therefore, my children would live the rest of their formative years without a loving father. Do you want that on your conscience? I didn't think so.
I wish I could build a snowman!
Granted. You have the skills to make an amazing snow sculpture, but you don't have any snow, so you need to wait until the next ice age. Mean while, you find yourself making a mud man.
I wish my McLaren in Gran Turismo 5 was even faster.
Granted, but the only top hat you can find is the very one worn by Abraham Lincoln. Well, his ghost gets really mad at you for making his toop hat all muddy and haunts you for the rest of your life.
I wish my house hadn't burned down from my Playstations fire...It's cold out here...
Granted, but your local human rights activist has sued for failing to comply with NATO peace accords regards to detaining prisoners.
I wish WikiLeaks spilled the beans on what I'm getting for Xmas. I know it ain't socks I've just bought some
Wish granted, it's a tie, but now Assange will be extradited to the North pole on allegations of bestiality with Rudolf.
I wish Dallas would get snow for Christmas.
Granted. They say one flurry fell on Dallas.
I wish I had a 3 foot tall ceramic frog statue.
Granted, but your obsession with amphibians has caused your friends and family to see you in a new light, and to give you a wide berth.
I wish I had gotten to bed two hours ago. Good heavens, I've got to get up early!
Granted you did go to bed 2 hours ago but that was Pacific Standard Time.
I wish my new computer had not just decided to shut itself off because of overheating; yet to be determined reason.
Granted, and there's 'no' forfeit!
I wish Eric's PC was better too. Otherwise I'll be spending hours compiling all the entrants for the Speed Modelling Competition
Granted. Your fired. Now you've got more time than they do!
I wish I wasn't watching the door of the office.
Granted, but because you were not watching someone stole it and you are now freezing..
I wish Eric's PC is okay.
granted, but yours isnt.
i wish the guy hadn't stolen the door.
Granted, it was not stolen, but now you are back to watching it the whole time.
I wish I could figure out this whole group to component thing already.
Granted, but now sketchup crashed and you can't open it, because you computer burnt up.
I wish for some sort of chocolaty hot drink. Maybe a mocha.
Granted, but it was made with chocolax, and you spend the next 8 hours "enthroned."
I wish these files copying to my new hard drive would go twice as fast.
Granted. Now it's deleting every other file, and going twice as fast.
I wish I could learn Blender faster.
Granted, but the sheer concentrated effort it took to learn Blender fast has left you absent minded, so you inadvertently walk into traffic, are hit by a cyclist, and although physically unhurt you have lost your memory. So you have to start learning Blender all over.
I wish Santa hadn't lost my address.
Granted. He has your adress but forgets the presents.
I wish I could do some cool explosions in Blender. Without having to re-learn it that is...