A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, you found a handy little app called skynet, after running it for a few days you realise it has a few unwanted side effects, though...
I wish i was in the peak district.
granted. . .but you peaked too soon!
I wish to get my house built this summer. (i hope! I hope! I hope!)
Granted, but you have to relocate for work and have to sell the house at a knock-down price.
I wish the Australian Government would let the HM Bark Endeavour replica resume sailing around the world and return to England for a while.
Granted, but once it reaches England, it's hijacked by loonies, who sail it into a hurricane in a vain attempt to find Atlantis.
I wish SPIV was already finished
Granted but its not compatible with your computer.
i wish i had a better laptop -
Granted, but to afford it you had to downsize, so it has an 8" screen.
הלוואי שהעולם לא היה שמתוכן idiots כה רבים.
You're wish can not be granted coz this wish man (manly fairy) can't read your Hebrew?
I wish I could read Hebrew.
Granted. . .but all books on earth are in Farsi.
I wish I could learn this VRay Stuff!!!!!
granted, but the twilight team have beaten up the vray team and vray is now legacy ware.
I wish my fingers werent sore. [insert dodgy joke]
Granted, but now your using your toes....and that's just weird!
I wish I were 20 years younger.
Granted. . .but all the women are 20 years older.
I wish I could think of a wish. . .
Granted, but they all involve a rather sordid mix of marmite, mature women and meat hooks.
I wish i wouldnt get injured in the next 4 years.
eeww! that hurt. I don't even want to imagine that.
@remus said:
Granted, but they all involve a rather sordid mix of marmite, mature women and meat hooks.
I wish i wouldnt get injured in the next 4 years.
Granted, but in order to assure that you spend the next four years in solitary confinement in an underground bunker, and you miss the GREATEST EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANKIND.
I wish I wouldn't get addicted to this silly game.
now ive finished abusing my mod powers, i wish the weather holds for today.
Granted, but Weather is an Eastern European wrestler and his 'hold' is a choke hold.
I wish the next person who posts would wish for me to have an extra $30.
Granted. . .but the wish costs $50.
I wish I could render better.
Granted but you're transported to 1982.
I wish I had an extra head.
boy . .. there's a lot of gag responses one could give for that. . . .
Granted but they are both reeeeeaaly reaaallly tiny . . .and one looks like Rush Limbaugh
I wish I got about $40,000 more out of the sale of my house today.
Granted, but your new house looks really ghetto...
I wish I had my wish list granted...