A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted but now you are famous for not completing your work and can't get any job except tea boy
I wish that i could do this specification faster
Granted, but you sacrifice accuracy for speed, with disastrous results. After your fired, the only job you can find is that of an office tea boy.
I wish everyone would like what they hear from me, too.
Granted, but they cannot stop laughing (And you were serious)
I wish for antivirus software that wouldn't overtake my computer
I wish for antivirus software that wouldn't overtake my computer<<
Granted but the the software that you would install fails to recognize that you are an absent minded professor and will neglect to upgrade to the most recent version and thus will be exposed to all manor of virulent and nasty goose pimple inducing viruses.
I wish that the xray vision glasses I ordered from a comic book when I was a kid actually worked.
Granted, but as soon as you put them on, you realize that clothes were invented to hide things that you just shouldn't see.
I wish for a peaceful and thankful Thanksgiving day.
Granted but you are on your own.
I wish that it will snow on Christmas Day in the uk.
Granted, it will snow in the UK on Christmas Day. But now everyday is Christmas and your land is ruled by a joyous Jack Skellington.
I wish I could have safe, unlimited, instantaneous travel throughout the entire universe and any parallel universe(s) which may exist.
Granted. You already have it, as we all
I wish our cat would like me.
Granted. Your cat does like you but perhaps a bit too much as he tries to romance your leg every chance he gets.
I wish I knew what I should get my wife for Christmas.
Granted but now you can't afford it.
I wish I could remember exactly how to repack all our Christmas decorations in January.
Granted but you have to start now as your other half has brought 20 new decorations
I wish that i had remembered to buy the milk yesterday
Granted, you remembered to buy milk, but you forgot that you already had lots of milk at home, so to use all the milk before it goes bad you get a job as an office milk boy
I wish it was summer again so i could go to the beach
Granted, but now you live in New Zealand and all your best friends are sheep. (That was the only bad thing I could think of for living in New Zealand, with all respect to my Kiwi friends.)
I wish I didn't have to go to work today, or tomorrow, or . . . .
Granted, but what do you want to be? A beggar? That might even be granted as well.
I wish I could think up enough wishes to participate more in this fun little game.
Granted but then you start answering your own posts and become the only participant... not so fun a little game anymore is it?
I wish I had not gotten out of bed today.
Granted, but you are now sharing your bed with a very large, very ugly, very smelly sow which happens to be in heat.
I wish I could get that picture out of my mind.
Granted, but tonight you have to share your bed with a heifer who is giving birth.
I wish this day were over already.
Granted. It has already ended at another location. By the time you travel there and back, it will have already ended where you were originally. So you wasted time chasing time.
I wish I knew what XX9 is. Unless knowing would kill me.
Granted. You decide you want a Spice Girls CD but you come to realize that really your Wife's Aunt shouldn't be giving you anything as you don't deserve her generosity. You never-ever reciprocate with any gifts for her. To make up for your past selfishness you sign over your car to her and consequentially suffer through a expletive-filled tongue lashing from your wife who now has no way to get around thanks to your "selfishness".
I wish I could change my name to "Dash Riprock".
Granted, but this is how it shows on your license:
- RiprockI wish I could stop complaining.