Kerkythea render
silly question but is Kerkythea free ??
Andrew -
it is as free as the air u breath my brother!!!
@jenujacob said:
it is as free as the airu breath my brother!!!
I wonder for how long... (I mean the air)
How do you rate it compared to podium?
Jenu is a Kerky fan (just see his signature). I have used both - though mainly Kerkythea lately - but I'm too inexperienced in both to be able to rate anything.
I am not just a FAN am a complete ADDICT!
comparing with podium...ive used the trial versions a cpl of times...
i can say is that the two render packages are for different categories of renderers...
Podium would be PERFECT for those seeking that QUICK and NO HASSLE render... even those using a renderer for the first time can use it without any difficulties at all... the huge plus point is the SLIDER ADJUSTMENTS for the various material properties such as reflections, lighting etc..(pretty innovative i must say!)
KT is for all those perfectionists!those would like more control over their material creations, light adjustments etc.... it requires a lil more effort to understand the various functions of KT such as the render presets, material creations etc... but with the excellent SketchUp integration via SU2KT plugin, setting up a scene is as simple as 1,2,3!!
I can also say that KT is one of the fastest rendering systems (both free and commercial) out there which uses Biased and Unbiased rendering methods... so u are not bound to just one option but to many more!
The KT website is quite friendly with the developer Giannis giving constant attention to new feature requests from the users...
New KT is coming out soon with many many many new and interesting features!Sorry for the rambling!!
@unknownuser said:
Podium would be PERFECT for those seeking that QUICK and NO HASSLE render... even those using a renderer for the first time can use it without any difficulties at all... the huge plus point is the SLIDER ADJUSTMENTS for the various material properties such as reflections, lighting etc..(pretty innovative i must say!)
KT is for all those perfectionists!those would like more control over their material creations, light adjustments etc.... it requires a lil more effort to understand the various functions of KT such as the render presets, material creations etc... but with the excellent SketchUp integration via SU2KT plugin, setting up a scene is as simple as 1,2,3!!
Wait till solo comes up with his ideas!
Andrew, have you seen his light and texture tests?
(O gosh, I can already use internal cross references at this new board!
Thanks for the answer Jenu..
So KT is available both free and buy ?? I tried the eval version of podium, but really the eval version is a waste of time. I guess I dont know what Im doing
I might download KT and have a playAndrew
@unknownuser said:
I can also say that KT is one of the fastest rendering systems (both free and commercial out there which....
i am sure u got confused here....
what i meant to say was... among all categories of FREE and COMMERCIAL renderers out there, KT (which is 100% free) is one of the fastest!
u can visit to learn more....
and u cant just completely rule out podium.. like i said it is a wonderful and innovative product (loosely based on KT) and is great for those quickies... but for me i like to have that extra punch and hence i use of luck!
No, Andrew, when Jenu means:
@unknownuser said:
KT is one of the fastest rendering systems (both free and commercial)
he means that fastest among both the free and even pay programs - not that both free and pay versions are fast.
AFAIK the eval version of Podium is fully functioning and only the output size of the image is limited.
Well, Jenu was faster but I still send this...
Thanks guys..
wow thanks for the great info.. thanks a lot