Bezier and Spline curve - A favor for Hungarian translation
Hello to all members of this Hungarian forum on Sketchup.
I am in the process of publishing a new version of Bezier curves, with a number of evolutions and enhancements, including new types of curve. This is a macro called bezierspline.rb. I published a complete beta on the forum at:, along with a tutorial and instructions for usage.
At the moment, the macro only support English and French. As I am respectful of other languages, I was wondering if any kind member of this section could take the time to translate the strings into Hungarian, as there seems to be a quite active Skecthup Community there.
I have separated these strings in the attached text file bzstring.txt. The method to insert the Hungarian translation is fairly simple.
Say that you have the following constant:
BZMNU_EditMenu = ["Edit", "|FR|Editer"]
Then you insert the Hungarian translation as a new string in the array, with |HU| in front.
BZMNU_EditMenu = ["Edit", "|FR|Editer", "|HU|Edit in Hungarian"]
Note: I recommend you put a backslash in front of special characters (like \ü), as Ruby has sometimes a problem to read them.
Thanks very much in advance for your help
As you can guess, I am not so fluent in many languages, so I have to ask support from the International Community
Cool Fredo - thanks for caring!
I'll do the translation myself. I have already downloaded your script but haven't had time to investigate it thoroughly so I will now to see how to translate things (e.g. "edit" can be a verb, a noun or an infinitive but as far as I suppose "editer" in French is an infinitive.Thanks again!
Thanks for the offer. Take your time. You must be busy these days with the new forum!
Well, week-end is here so I'll do it today or tomorrow...
Hi Fredo,
Well, I'm finished (I hope). Still I'd need to see it in work with the Hungarian version for we have words differently written in different contexts.
There seems to be some mistake in the original file though, see lines 96-97 of the original: the French reference is not there and I guess trhe Edit was not translated either.
BZINF_InfoCreate = ["Double-click to finish and Edit", "Double-cliquez pour finir"]
I corrected the language reference (I hope) but did not touch the translation (lines 159-161 of my translation):
BZINF_InfoCreate = ["Double-click to finish and Edit", "|FR|Double-cliquez pour finir"] "|HU|Dupla kattint\ással befejez \és szerkeszt"]
Thanks for this and looking forward to "hot test" my translation!