A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Welcome to GSCF tonyL.
There is plenty to see, lots of great scripts to get and plenty to learn here, hope you enjoy your stay.
Hello people!
Im totaly new to SketchUp, an compelete idiot withput absoultly no knowledge working in Sketchup.
Ive been modeling for aboth 5 years now mainly in Rhino3D, tried max and cinema among others but they didnt have that CAD feel of modeling geometry.
Ive been watching a lot o videos on youtube on SketchUp modeling and I must say its seems very fast and simple. What Im looking is a poly modeler with an CAD feel to it. Im saying poly couse last 5 years Ive been modeling with NURBS and then had to transfor them to clean meshes where problems always happen.
So I want to be able to model compleatly with polygons
One thing I did notice whan watching videos is I didnt see anyone using fillet surface command
Is this possible in Sketchup?
Im not intersted in any workaround but just in this simple command that would fillet (smooth) and edge between two surfaces or curves.
Also Im interested doest Sketcup has ability of UV texturing a geometry?
Can you give me few advices on learning Sketcup books, DVDs....
Thanx in advance people! -
Hi Pico and welcome.
You cannot be a total idiot at 3D modeling if you have been using those programs for 5 yars now
Anyway, there is a smooth tool in SU: triple click on any complex geometry and from the context menu select "Soften/Smooth". A window will pop up where you can slide the angle to be softened. See more about this here.
Also, the Eraser tool (combined with the Ctrl key) can soften individual edges.
As for UV mapping, the truth is that SU is rather limited in this field but there are some basic tools. See the "Position Texture Tool" section of the SU Guide.
For the general "Getting started" links we have colleted some basic info here.
When I meant filletig I mean acctual geometry beeing crated....see picture...
Can SU do this?
It cannot do it natively however there is plugin for that called "Round Edge".
Thanx man!
I posted there a quastion to see if Fredo has maybe updated his ruby. -
Hi everyone out there, just joined this forum as I've been a Sketchup user for a few years now but never really joined a forum.
I do a lot on Sketchup and also use Kerkythea more frequently recently, hope to be able to help with any problems I can and also hope that you guys will be able to help me with things.
Hello All
New member - probably all set to ask the usual stupid questions you have been asked a thousand times before....
Anyway, I am a monumental mason, just getting the hang of v6, producing some simple designs for my customers. Thorny problem at the moment of producing a circular vase that looks like it has been turned on a lathe, various profiles, and can't find a way to extrude a curved surface.
Anyone point me in the right direction?
Many thanks
Hello steve,
Have you found the follow-me tool yet? its a good un for doing lathe type stuff.
If not their is a quick intro here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOxrFN7JbiQ
Theres another one here, which is a bit more specific to your purposes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v5cvmTy_xY&feature=related
And as for extruding curved faces, there isnt a way to do it natively, although there is a rather excellent script called joint push/pull that will do it, you can find it here: http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=6708&hilit=+Plugin
Hello all...
My name is Yudi from Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm a new user of sketchup. So I think I'm gonna be asking a lot of things about sketchup.
I learn a little about Sketchup and use it especially in architectural models and interior design. And i'm very happy if we can share everything about SKP. -
Hi sasrabirawa and welcome!
I'm sure there will always be somebody around who will gladly help with your problems.
Hope to see your work in the Gallery as soon as possible!
Hey Guys,
Scott Lininger here. I'm a programmer on the SketchUp team and will be spending a lot more time around these parts in the future. I hope I can help folks out with the Ruby API. (Though the experts on this forum know the API as well as I do.
I've met a lot of you in various other virtual haunts. Hiya everybody!
Hey Scott, welcome to GSCF.
Hey everybody! I am Mr. Jump Man V.2
I think this is my forth forum that ive been in... All the other ones kinda turned into ghost towns. First off i want to say im not a noob to sketchup from the best of my knowledge, ive been using it constantly ever since october-12-2005, three years ago. I normally upload models to the 3d warehouse and so far have about 824 uploaded models ( Although the first account i had was mainly junk models, first account = 601 of those models, so i made another account to be liberated of this junk account. ) If you ( whoever "you" is or are ) are wondering what the "V.2" after my name is, it is because i had that junk account and made another. I hope to learn a lot of information, as well give, while i am at this forum.Check out some of my models at the Link below
Welcome to GSCF Mr. Jump.
This one will not turn into a 'Ghost town' I'm certain of that, with over 10 thousand users you will be in great company.
Nice models by the way.
Hi Scott and welcome. Coen seems to have added you to the "Google SketchUp Team" usergroup already; note that you can make sticky topics and post announcements in the forums if you wish.
Happy rubying with the folks here - there are a couple of very talented scripters around!
Hi Mr. Jumpman and welcom as well!
Like Pete says, this forum is not going to become a ghost town for sure
hi there!
i'm new here but i've been modeling using sketchup for 1 year already and i think now, i've encountered the most complicated modeling phase in my life by trying to revive a classic structure built in our country by Welton Becket. the big problem is, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO THE CREATE AN EAGLE IN SKETCHUP FROM SCRATCH. it's the only missing piece in the facade before it's halfway completed.
can anyone give me tips on how to do it? any would be greatly appreciated.. thanks!
Welcome 'absolutelyhawk',
You might check out 3D Warehouse. Search for eagle and there is
quite a few there that might be helpful.Mike
Hello all,
I've been using sketchup for about a year in the construction industry. I'm an architect that converted to the dark side... Construction. I work for a large general contractor in Denver, Colorado - Mortenson Construction. Sketchup Rocks and I'm trying to learn more about the software so I can push it with all the BIM and Virtual Design and Construction We do.Looking forward to learning from you all.