A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hey everyone I am new to this forum..I have just began exploring sketchup for my projects at architecture school..I came across sketchucation when i youtubed how to make a curved sloped road/ ramp. I have downloaded the shapebender plugin but i am finding it difficult to use. I made a group of object to be bent, a line along the red axis and the curve of the road. The line and the curve did get selected..However nothing seems to happen after the curve is selected..Am I doing something wrong? Could someone guide me? I have to actually make the road on a contoured site (carve the road). So i thought i could make the road by shapebender n then use intersect model to carve it in the contours. Is there any other way of doing it?
Hi all!
I´m a design student and just joined the forum!
I just started an internship and never before used SU haha
So I´m learning slowly but faster than I expected (at least i hope so haha)Therefore, I already got a lot of doubts about some stuff HAHA
My goal is to elaborate an library of components, but I need to edit them more freely, for example, if I make a box composed of 4 separated pieces, i wanted to edit the measures as the software Armarius... not scaling, but like opening an box to change the lateral measures, only the thickness and such.
I´ve tried searching for an plugin that does that, but haven´t been sucessfull yet... anyone knows if there is such plugin that does something similar to that? (don´t know if I was clear enough... maybe even I don´t know what I want exactly HAHA)Thanks
Welcome to the Sketchucation forums! You might take your plugin idea to the "Plugins" Subforum (under the "Resources" Forum). You probably have to restate it (maybe pictures would help) unless someone knows about the other software and that specific feature. People usually post ideas like that as "[REQ]", for "request"--- then someone directs them to a plugin or someone might even create a plugin, if they like your idea Good luck.
Is this for "parametric" manipulation, or do you just want to stretch an object without changing edge dimensions (like making a window wider without widening the frame)?
Hi, I have been playing with SU since I was 15 years old, now I use it for product design along with CAD and meshLab
Oi, sou Francisco estou chegando hoje a esse espaço de interação dos amantes e usuários do sktchup, espero ter oportunidade de aprender e compartilhar sobre esse belo programa. Grtato pela aceitação
Hi Francisco and welcome!
I have added you to the Portuguese usergroup so you can even post in Portuguese down at the bottom of the Index page.
Bonjour à tous !
Je reste dans ma langue natale car vous dire ce que je pense de ce site dans la langue de shakespeare serait incompréhensible.See you soon.
Rém -
I don't understand why i can't see the French Forum when i'm online ?
Can you Help me please ? -
Hi Remy,
In the French forum, there is an announcement:
@unknownuser said:
A tous
Après la mise à jour des 16,17 voire 18 Août,(cf le courriel de Coen), les forums en langues étrangères ne seront plus directement accessibles à partir de l'Index Board lors de la connexion (Log). Pour cette raison, nous allons créer des "User Group" spécifiques.
J'ai déjà rajouté tous ceux qui avaient une extension fr dans leur adresse e-mail ainsi que ceux qui ont déjà posté des courriers dans ce sous-forum.
Pour tous les autres qui ont une adresse e-mail différente (de type gmail.com par exemple, ou bien les futurs inscrits ), ou bien ceux qui n'ont jamais posté de courrier dans la section française, il sera nécessaire de se réinscrire dans chacun des sous-forums en utilisant le UCP ou User Control Panel.
I have added you now so you should see that forum. Welcome to SketchUcation!
Hi everyone!
Was a long time since I came here, but this time I've registered an account. My name is Kevin Girard, french, 22 years old, and I create models with SketchUp since 2006. I create architectural models optimised for Google Earth.In 2010, I've been selected as a Google SketchUp Super Modeler. I attended a conference ( 2010 Google Mapper/Modeler Summit in Zurich ) and I have been part of some projects.
I'm working with :
- SketchUp 8 free version
- Google Earth 7
- Photoshop CS4
- Maxwell renders
Some uses of my work :
Augmented Reality
Tour Eiffel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDPgsHghp6M
Notre-Dame de Paris : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCLm6bDIJkM -
Academic Thesis - Gesturespace
Notre-Dame de Paris : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipviG-tWeAw -
3D Printing
Taj Mahal : http://blog.sculpteo.com/2010/10/27/design-de-la-semaine-le-taj-mahal-une-des-plus-grandes-preuves-damour/ -
Taj Mahal : Quo Magazine China, february 2009
My links :
My renders
http://kegira.tumblr.com/ -
My profiles on Google 3D warehouse
The new one : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?viewer=1611330176447490582631655&scoring=m
The last one : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?uq=0844714371776674424138893&scoring=m
I'm glad to be part of the community!
Kevin Girard
Hello! I'm Liam.
I'm working on my portfolio.
I'm using Sketchup with one of my project.
I'm glad that i find here!!! -
Hello tout le monde
Je suis un utilisateur relativement expérimenté de sketchup 9 pro, mon anglais est plus que déplorable, et je viens rechercher quelques astuces, plugin et conseils d'utilisateurs plus expérimentés que moi. je travail dans la menuiserie et le batiment. Merci de m'accepter sur votre forum
SketchUp 9??? We are all looking forward to it!
In any case; welcome!
Salut silic, sois le bienvenue !
Oops, sorry i write too fast ! naturally sketchup 8.
Sketchup 9 is my dream. -
@pbacot said:
Welcome to the Sketchucation forums! You might take your plugin idea to the "Plugins" Subforum (under the "Resources" Forum). You probably have to restate it (maybe pictures would help) unless someone knows about the other software and that specific feature. People usually post ideas like that as "[REQ]", for "request"--- then someone directs them to a plugin or someone might even create a plugin, if they like your idea Good luck.
Is this for "parametric" manipulation, or do you just want to stretch an object without changing edge dimensions (like making a window wider without widening the frame)?
Thank you, Pbacot!
Sorry it took so long for me to answer...
I´ll do a research on the plugins subforum
thanks for the tips! i´m still new in this forum stuff hahaWell, what i managed to find about that parametric manipulation is that when you use it you change the whole object, not an specific part of it(that´s what i found, maybe it does something else...)
That exaclty what I wanted to do (the part about the window)! My goal is to be able to edit the component whithout editing all its measures...Thanks again!
Hi there, I'm new. I've dabbled with Sketchup now and again over the years, but never tried to use it for anything practical until now. I'm developing a non-CNC(euphemism for low-tech/low-cost/high-effort) manufacturing process for custom, wood keycaps in my garage as a hobby, and I'm hoping to use Sketchup Free ver. 8 for quick visualizations and making design choices. I came here looking for a specific plugin, but after reading a couple supremely informative threads, I decided this would be a great place to ask questions as they will no-doubt arise in learning the new software. For now, hello, and thanks for just being here you great, big, beautiful online community!
Welcome, and don't hesitate to ask questions!
Hi, I'm starting to look at SU to see if I can interface it into my cabinet program. I wrote it in C++ and would like to use SU as a 3D modeler for the cabinets. Looks like the samples I downloaded from Google's website are pretty thin. Hope to find more examples of how to export files from my app into SU.
I should also say that I have not used SU for any modeling so I am a newbe.
Hi all,
I'm a new user of sketchup, and having used Design Workshop, Autocad, and Solidwork, Sketchup is easy to use. To start out in Sketchup, I resurected some old projects and am trying them out. I'm still going throught he tutorials and stumbling on some operation, but will work on it.
Thanks to Google for this program.Regards, Les Grommon