A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Sorry for the delay in replying. Impressive portfolio.
I use Mac OS X 10.5.4 or alternatively I have an older version of 10.3.9 on my PowerBook.
Being an architecture student I create my buildings in SU the drop them into Photoshop to montage the context in.
I'm not looking for anything spectacular at the moment until I grab the basics of rendering packages, just something to take the SU cartoonish appearance, as I see it, away from my models.
Thanks again,
Im very new to mixing cad and SU, am I able to bring a surface into SU from Civil 3D. I created a dwg with the surface only, but nothing shows up.
Any help is appreciated.
There are many free and or cheap rendering solutions available these days, maybe slightly less available options for the Mac platform but nevertheless there are some available and they are pretty good.
I would suggest one of three options:
Podium: http://www.suplugins.com/
This is the easiest one to learn and will be sufficient for your intentions. As you have noticed a large number of my renders as seen on my site was done with Podium. There is a free version available but has a render size limitation.Kerkythea: http://www.kerkythea.net/joomla/
This is totally free and is very powerful, it will take a little time to master but is worth the effort as it is capable of amazing results. All the bells and with the exception of one whistle (displacement) is included, and that last whistle is in the making so I hear.
IDX Renditioner: http://www.idx-design.com/IDX/IDXRenditioner/tabid/709/Default.aspx?gclid=CLrT09WjsZUCFRRhnAodHgk0kQ
Another easy solution and I believe there is some kind of special available or even a free version, This too is more than adequate for your emmediate needs and pretty simple to learn.
Good luck and please post as soon as you have something available.
Thanks for the quick response! I've tried the Kerkthea & Idx programs now, Idx crashes SU every time I run it and Kerkythea won't open the xml file apparently because it's in 3d.
I'll try the plugins for su next, my boss wanted me to research this for a couple of hours.... I've been off the clock for 3hrs now.
I may have a better idea than bringing in the surface and or the feature lines. I now have the polylines at 0 elevation and am connecting the different elevations in a crisscross design and then using the pull command to give the hill the required height. Iโm not sure if this is the best way but it is producing results.
Thanks for the heads up that IDX was crashing for you -- I assume that is the free version for PC. A few users have had that problem and we're expecting a fix to be released later today if you're interested.
-- William
Hi my name is Mikhail, I new to the whole sketchup program as well as this forum and I just wanted to make sure that this was the right place for me to ask future questions about sketchup when I run into problems.
You bet it is... welcome to Sketchup (crowd cheers)
Long time SU user.
No longer a lurker here.Great site!
Cool, good to have you!
Welcome, Mikhail and yes, this is the place.
Also, glad you broke the silence, Cameron!
Hello - I just joined the Forum, so I can learn Sketchup for drawing plans for my new Phlatprinter. Wahoo!
Not a newbie to solid modeling and drafting, but I use SDRC I-Deas at work and Sketchup speaks in a different language. Hope you folks don't mind dumb questions. -
Welcome Dorsal and no, we don't mind dumb questions. We all used to ask them at a certain point.
I still ask them on a regular basis
and welcome.
Yeah, I can confirm that!
@chris fullmer said:
Welcome, and one way to do that is to make the one block. THen select it all and turn it into a component. Then copy and paste the component (or I would use the move tool and hold down ctrl (on a PC)). Move+ctrl = move a copy. So this would would move a copy of the component over to where I want it. Then with the copy of the component, I would select it and activate the scale tool and scale it to negative 1 along the same axis I moved it. So if I moved the copy along the red axis, I would then scale the copy to -1 along the red axis too.
So now I would edit one of the components and it will change both components equally, but mirrored towards eachother, thus giving you the symmetry you need.
It sounds much more complicated than it actually is. I can put together a quick tutorial if my vague instructions don't help, or there probably is one already in the tutorials section on the forum. At any rate, have fun with SketchUp!
oh, I forgot to mention that you can not push/pull 2 faces simultaneously in SketchUp, though I think there might be an additional script you can download and install that will give you this functionality. Someone else will have to provide a link to this though.
just figured this out
Hi everyone!
Im Aernoud and im 16 years old, i really like sketchup and it is as a hobby for me!
I really like organic modeling, (im going to buy the smooth subdivide tool soon)
Most of the time i make animal models, or own designed Metroid prime models.
Im not new to Sketchup but im new to this forum!I already checked the gallery on the forum! Fantastic work to see there!
My models can been seen on the 3d warehouse...
Im currently working on a great progress, T-REX... Hope i can animate it with help.. in blender3d...Aernoud
I would like to know how you make a group or copy of one object after selecting it..any help please
To make a group, right click->make group.
To copy that group, get the move tool, press ctrl and then move a copy of the object.
hello btw
What's up everyone? I am new to this forum! I am architectural intern who is really interested in learning a lot more about sketchup. I have been using sketchup since it's @Last days. I am very proud to see what a powerful tool it has become. I look forward to using the tips here to further my career.