Hip, Hip, Array! Loopita Bonita.
When someone requested this a few years back, it was initially quite a daunting prospect. But actually turned out to be fairly straightforward. The flat sections which lie along the floor are simply repeats of a single component, comprising rib and 3 short section of 'track'.
The looped section started life as a completely circular array. I then had to count the number of ribs involved, then simply calculate how far the end of each of the 3 sections of track in the repeated component had to be skewed sideways in order to offset the whole thing by its own width after a single rotation.
There's a slight vertical adjustment too, but what is good for the very first section, joining the start of the loop to the last rib in the flat array is good for all the others too.
Yes, I probably could have used one of the helical plugins, or extrude along a path, but the thought of how to do that hurt my head more than simply going back to first principles.
There are only 3 components in the entire track; and one of those is the flat rib at either end. It's 8000 faces, including the cushions. Sometimes, the simplest way is the best. -
@Alan-Fraser Very interesting piece of work.