Render revisited, spanish terrace houses
After suggesting to Bryan K he was on the right track revisiting a render of his with his new knowledge. I decided to do the same myself to a render I posted a long time ago. I am unable to find my original post so I have started a new thread. This render is much better than the original I bought some quality trees, changed the lighting, framing of the image, Composition, added some weeds etc. It is a better image than the one created some time ago. The model was created with Sketchup and rendered with Twinmotion 2022.1.2 The render is not full quality as I am not comercialising TM ATM untill I get to a level that is of commercial quality. So it is only 2K resolution
Holy moly! It was damn good before, but now? Wow! I would swear that's a photo.
Cheers Bryan, kind of you to say
I agree with Bryan, what camera do you use?
Cracking mate.
Excellent ! Have always liked this model. Only one thing bothered me about it and this is an apples or oranges kind of thing. I would lose the car, being front and center it just grabs to much of my attention. I know I’m weird, that’s just me. It’s still fabulous work however you slice it
The 3d feel of the layers of objects is very crisp and tangible. Maybe because of this and the direct view, it almost feels like a picture of an actual model. Not in a bad way, but it has the feeling like some tilt-shift images for some reason.
Thanks pb, tuna and Mike. PB I just learnt what tilt shift was, always wondered what those images were called
Tuna I have lost the vehicles what do you think? would welcome others thoughts as well
OK. Now add a cat?
It’s all good L I am. Was okay with the scooter. I think the car being dead centering the image was what was “bugging” my eye. If it was moved right or left, maybe only partly in the image it wouldn’t seem so dominant? Again they are all great images. I think everyone just sees things a little different.
@tuna1957 said:
It’s all good L I am. Was okay with the scooter. I think the car being dead centering the image was what was “bugging” my eye. If it was moved right or left, maybe only partly in the image it wouldn’t seem so dominant? Again they are all great images. I think everyone just sees things a little different.
All good Tuna, I suffer from not being able to judge my own images when they are nearing completion
L I am , don’t worry to much what I think I just a crazy old bastard
Please yourself and you can’t go wrong !
@tuna1957 said:
L I am , don’t worry to much what I think I just a crazy old bastard
Please yourself and you can’t go wrong !
I thought your point was valid thats why I tried it
Each version looks great.
Thanks guys, I am quite Ok at modeling and can easily fucus to get the results I want......but when it comes close to the end I simply can not make up my mind about different version to include in my folio which I am yet to compile. All ideas and opinions are greatfully recived and considered.
I think any of these would be great in your portfolio. I do agree about the car though.
L i am , your much more than just ok with your modeling and renders.
Brings to mind the old saying among artists “the great ones know when to put the brush down” . I think that’s something we all have to struggle with at times.