Just got this today from Avaaz, a group I support.
Iran: the call to stop the crackdown is gaining momentum
The sixth death sentence has been issued, over 15,000 protesters have been detained and hundreds have been killed for protesting on the streets. Join the global petition to world leaders!
Avaaz (
Things are bad and getting worse in Iran. Please add your signature/support for the ordinary people of Iran.
Just got this today from Avaaz, a group I support.
Iran: the call to stop the crackdown is gaining momentum
The sixth death sentence has been issued, over 15,000 protesters have been detained and hundreds have been killed for protesting on the streets. Join the global petition to world leaders!
Avaaz (
Things are bad and getting worse in Iran. Please add your signature/support for the ordinary people of Iran.
I was in right up to the part where they say that entering my details means agreeing they can contact me whenever they want to. Big brother is indeed watching, not always just big brother either.
Here the big brother officially announces the usage of drones to detain the protesters, here is a sample: -
This is a bit OTT for me but whatever floats your boat really.
One way to make sure a voice or a thousand are heard but in the end I doubt it beyond raising money and makling folk feel good about themselves/feeling like they have made a difference.
I thought the Russian side could hardly get worse. I was wrong. Apparently a Ukrainian POW has been recorded while being beheaded by pro Russian actors (I know but apparently this is the term that should be used these days).
Ukraine vows to punish 'murderers' after video of an apparent POW beheading surfaces
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on condemned a video circulating online that the country’s security services said showed a Ukrainian being decapitated.
NBC News (
The internet is being flooded by apoligists for Putin's regime and false flag information. What a state for inhabitants of the world to be in.
It seems that the Russians really like getting punchy, or punched at any rate.
It was a thoroughly stupid move to be honest, did he expect a medal?
Does not this also replicate the reality: An old Russian politician stealthy tore the Ukrainian flag and then gets punched in the face by a young patriot Ukrainian Politician? Others intervene to settle down the conflict.
I hate conflict, why we can not play in a win-win manner? -
Россия победит! Победа будет за нами! А вы чем нас грязью поливать, лучше посчитайте сколько войн за этот век устроили США и сколько человек они загубили. Так что заткнитесь идиоты!
It would be too simple and far too logical for those leading nations. Personally, I do not believe Kindergarden students could do a worse job.
So, Russia is falling apart at the seams.
Wagner group have tired of being lapdogs for the Russian military and are moving away from Ukraine to Moscow to 'have it out' with senior Ruwsian leadership and the defence department ministers. Looks like the war could end soon. I can only hope.
It might result in harsh revenue for Wagner's head. But wherever the result will be, it would produce anarchy on the Russian side. It broke down the false face of unbeatable mighty man.
@majid said:
... It broke down the false face of unbeatable mighty man.
Oh, Russia has been shown to be a paper tiger that might have working nukes. FAR less expensive to keep an armored division working that thousands of nukes working in my opinion. I hope and pray for the Russian people.
@glenn at home said:
@majid said:
... It broke down the false face of unbeatable mighty man.
Oh, Russia has been shown to be a paper tiger that might have working nukes. FAR less expensive to keep an armored division working that thousands of nukes working in my opinion. I hope and pray for the Russian people.
I may not agree more,
Also, I pray for both sides,
unfortunately the politicians of where I live have tied our destiny to Russia... obviously wrong side! I hope Ukraine wins by the way... it will elevate the democracy... -
Sharing those prayers to Iran and it's people as well. Peace to you and all brother!
I wholeheartedly concur with the three posts above.
Peace brothers, for everyone.
Apparently Russia is again using chemical weapons in it's genocidal war against the Ukrainians. Consistant with their conduct in Georgia, Chenchenya etc. Soon to be seen in Baltic states and Moldova possibly?
I picked up on a non involved source for the independence factor. They have nothing to gain from lying in case some folk are leaning that way.
Well, several months have passed and the habit of certain dick Tators have continued to make life misserable for many. Including their own.
I know there will always be disruptive personalities, perhaps a human condition but pointless, counterproductive and murderous.
Past time for Putin and his cronies to crawl backl to the rock they came from and leave the rest of the world in peace.
I hope it happens. The Israel-Palestine conflict seems that is a cover to hide Russia's back-off and recession.
This is tough that to politicians/owners of power/ we humans are just some numbers....