Small spaceship
Update. Added hull number and cleaned up the bridge. More detail yet to add.
More bridge detail. Still WIP.
Scene for scale.
Looking good ! I think your “stick to it” attitude is great. Even if you put something on the “shelf” for awhile you always seem to come back to it.
Thanks tuna!
Doing the hard things is how I get better. I'm still not where I want to be after 10 years of using SU. But right now, my hardware is holding me back. Hopefully I will be able to finally upgrade this year.
Still working on the bridge so not much to show right.
New job. Been occupied elsewhere. I really want to finish this.
How is the new job? I hope it's going well mate.
@mike amos said:
How is the new job? I hope it's going well mate.
So far so good. Thanks! I just hope it lasts. The last contract of the previous job was supposed to last for 3 months. Lasted only one. Took 3 months to get this one. Just now at one month for this one.
Fingers crossed!
You are making your personal world piece by piece!
Thanks majid. I had not realized that. I guess I am.
Finally got back to the interior work. Still a little bit more to add. The doors are from the warehouse. I hid the glass to see the interior better.
Full view.
Finished and rendered. Posted in main gallery.