2nd bathroom re-render
A small bathroom I did earlier this year.
I've learned a new trick (new to me) that if I un-group all the lights I use, and keep them the same color/material, Raylectron no longer sees them as many lights, but as one single light. So if I have 20+ lights in my scene and I un-group them down to the line and plane level, and keep them all the same emitter color, Raylectron just sees ONE light.
This speeds up my render time tremendously! And my poor old laptop can actually render the scene in less than a day!
HOORAY! I can now do more indoor scenes!
Interesting. Improvement on the render! Only things that jump out at me are the super sparkly tile and the dullness of the light shades.
Use Enscape if you can afford it. Realtime renders are the way to go IMHO.
Who needs Enscape?...........
@pbacot said:
Interesting. Improvement on the render! Only things that jump out at me are the super sparkly tile and the dullness of the light shades.
Yeah, the tile is problematic.
The shells for the sink lights don't have enough light from above to really shine.
@lapx said:
Use Enscape if you can afford it. Realtime renders are the way to go IMHO.
I can only wish. I need a new computer first.
@mike amos said:
Who needs Enscape?...........
Almost all modern render program are really good. I use Raylectron because I got a good deal on it and could afford it at the time. I also like the UX and of course, the results are damn good.