MouseDeck™ receives LOOP Design Award!
Hi Guys,
I have received great news today from the LOOP Design Awards folks! They have just advised me that my MouseDeck
design has been voted the winner in the 2021 Loop Design Awards - Product/Office and Workspace Design Category by their panel of international judges. I would have been more than happy with an honourable mention in the competition. I now wish I had taken better photos of the setup but maybe I will be able to swap the current pics for more professional looking pics.
After my failure to achieve sufficient backing for MouseDeckon Kickstarter
I was somewhat disheartened and was thinking of shelving the project. However in the past few hours alone I have received communications from a number of interested parties showing an interest in licensing MouseDeck
which would suit me perfectly as I really have no interest in getting into manufacturing. Hopefully I will be able to get MouseDeck
operational and move on to the next design idea .... I have a few underway that are sitting on shelves looking at me to do something with them.
SketchUp plays a huge part in my design work. Without it I would be stumped when it came to getting the initial idea formed quickly and easily.
If anyone is interested in viewing the details on the LOOP Design Awards website, here is the appropriate link.
Well done Mike.
Loop award, is that the one where they give you just enough rope!
Thanks Box.
As regards 'rope' supplying while on one's merry way. I think you are probably thinking about Red Dot. As regards LOOP Design Awards, they are quite a new outfit that appear to be totally transparent from beginning to end. I imagine they hope to cut into the well established Red Dot sector of the marketplace. I am all for disruptive ideas
Brilliant persistence and talent pay off, eventually.
Congratulations Mike!
@mike lucey said:
Hi Guys,
I have received great news today from the LOOP Design Awards folks! They have just advised me that my MouseDeck
design has been voted the winner in the 2021 Loop Design Awards - Product/Office and Workspace Design Category by their panel of international judges. I would have been more than happy with an honourable mention in the competition. I now wish I had taken better photos of the setup but maybe I will be able to swap the current pics for more professional looking pics.
[attachment=0:1ibe9eab]<!-- ia0 -->MouseDeck (Designing-Typing).jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1ibe9eab]
After my failure to achieve sufficient backing for MouseDeckon Kickstarter
I was somewhat disheartened and was thinking of shelving the project. However in the past few hours alone I have received communications from a number of interested parties showing an interest in licensing MouseDeck
which would suit me perfectly as I really have no interest in getting into manufacturing. Hopefully I will be able to get MouseDeck
operational and move on to the next design idea .... I have a few underway that are sitting on shelves looking at me to do something with them.
SketchUp plays a huge part in my design work. Without it I would be stumped when it came to getting the initial idea formed quickly and easily.
If anyone is interested in viewing the details on the LOOP Design Awards website, here is the appropriate link.
While I'm no expert, but if I were a betting man I'd say those graphics were created with the help of SketchUp, it has a tell-tale look.
Thanks Gabor, Mike and JuJu.
@juju said:
While I'm no expert, but if I were a betting man I'd say those graphics were created with the help of SketchUp, it has a tell-tale look.
JuJu, you are correct. The images shown above are SketchUp generated. I just knocked these out to test the award badge. In my initial post I was referring to the photographs I submitted to LOOP Design Awards. They may be viewed via the above link.
Anyway, I got a very prompt reply from Joao Morgado of LOOP Design Awards advising that they would be more than happy to swap out the hastily taken photos I originally submitting for a new set of photos.
When I contacted Joao, I also asked if they would be interested in creating a category for 3D generated works. Joao has advised the following, 'Regarding 3D Design, we are now preparing our new project - LOOP Creative Awards - aimed for all the professionals & students involved in Rendering & Visualization. It will be launched very very soon.'
I will advise further details when I receive them.
Congratulations Mike.
Congratulations Mike! Perseverance furthers!
This is fantastic Mike. Really nice concept.
Please keep us posted on how the process goes to get it manufactured.
Dale -
Thanks nlipovac, pbacot and dale. I will or course keep you undated on progress.
Congratulations and best of luck moving forward with it.