Convert drawing lines to orthogonal
Hi, I don't know if it's the correct place to ask this, sorry if not.
The thing is that yesterday I was searching for more than 3 hours for a possible plugin to be able to convert a drawing that is not orthogonal to right angles.
And I'll need this, because I found a way to make the environment buildings when there's no an OpenStreetMap resource abailable, from capturing the footprint of the houses directly from Google Maps as a JPG and converting that image into a DWG ( So, the problem is that without the orthogonal edges, I can't make a succesful used of the plugin "Automatically create hip roof from a face" from 1001BitTools.
So, if someone know a way to transform the drawing from whatever angle to 90º right angles I'll be much more than grateful.
Regards and have a nice sunday.
Interesting. I've never seen anything like that. I wonder if it is possible to do.
FWIW, Google's terms of use for Google Maps and Google Earth prohibit the kind of thing you are doing with their imagery.
Have you Try Joint Push Push Interactive: Normal / Taper and some various parameters... by Fredo6 ?
Click on the 3 Green Arrows
But sorry i just understand your problem!
Convert an angle to 90°Maybe Thomthom tools has a Snipset for that...
Interesting idea... I'll investigate the feasibility.
There should be some parameters to drive the 'reshape' process (from where to start, what dimensions to maintain, etc). -
Hi Didier, that would be awesome, just the attempt already deserves my thanks, I appreciate
Bon courage!
This idea is more complex than I though
I have writen some dirty code just to see if it is doable. It needs now heavy testing in various situations, with complex face shapes.A threshold parameter (angle) tells the script in which range each angle at each corner of the face has to be 'orthogonalized' (or not).
For now, a face like on the left side of the image is reshaped to the one on the rightClick on the image to see it in action on a more complex face:
Hi Didier Bur, this looks excellent!!!
Thanks for your hard work and invested time, I hope one day see it as a plugin -
Didier it could be important tool!
Please check if you could add to round the lengths values and unifying almost overlapping lines -
The future 'orthogonalize' plugin is on its way...
But I've encountered some problems to solve before reshaping a face: sometimes there are double points (especially when the face comes from an external content, such as an OSM map for instance), sometimes edges are reversed in the face record, sometimes there are colinear edges or overlapping edges, etc...I've almost solved all of these and the script is under heavy testing
Below is a preview of the interface: you'll choose between 3 options, preserve the global shape of the face, preserve the segments lengths, or click on the first segment of a single face to give the script a start.Script will process a single face or a bunch of selected faces.
Please grant ability to save current settings as default globally.
P.S. Would it be possible to implement coordinates rounding? (for instance: 1,5,10 cm?) -
Settings are remembered all along the session, but I can also save them saved in the skp file (as model attributes).
Concerning the rounding of coordinates, it's also an interesting idea that I will look into.
Regards -
Yet another idea: arch\circle conversion (if some portions +- resembles them)
I use curic's(?) one and it's super useful functionality, but conversion won't happen if sefments aren't equal. So implementing arc conversion with threshold would be awesome. -
Hi everybody,
Below is the beta version of my Orthogonalize plugin.
I would have some feedback from the users, so I can enhance the plugin.Install it the usual way, with the extensions manager.
First usage: select one or more faces in the model, righ-click on the selection and select 'Orthogonalize N faces'.
Please click on the Help button and read the PDF file to get information about how the script works.Please report any bug you encounter, and feel free to report what's good and what is not convenient to you.
Best regards
I have nothing! (with some parameters) Same no result in 2017, 2015 Make!
1 st segment is working
Help is well working!My figure is too brutal ? (file linked)
Wow I very pleased
with results, thank you so much Didier!
My observations:
*)Currently plugin keeps to pop up in default location. Could it memorize the last re-location?
*)In attached image, the plugin builds approx90 degree angles (at least SU indicates **~**90.
*) In case of multiple faces, could we have an option to select the general rectification edge (AB)? If the face is rotated less than user's angle threshhold, then it'd be rectified by this general AB direction
*) Currently, it leaves co-linear points (no problem- I can delete them Fredos 'remove lonely vertices)
*) Is rounding planned?
However "Preserve segment length" option delivers bizarre result. Faces get deleted, only 2 edges survive.
@pilou said:
I have nothing! (with some parameters) Same no result in 2017, 2015 Make!
1 st segment is working
Help is well working!My figure is too brutal ? (file linked)
[attachment=1:27x238lf]<!-- ia1 -->ortho01.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:27x238lf]
Hmmm, maybe try it in SU V6?
Your file is SU v6. This means the plugin isn't compatible with SU versions that use older releases of Ruby and API.
Below is your file 'orthogonalized' with SU2020, with the same parameters as yours.
BTW, your white dashed lines indicate a better way to preserve the global shape of the face than the one I've implemented, this will become an option in the next release (I hope).
Thanks for reporting this bug, sort of.
I see on your image that you are in a group or component. The plugin behaves weirdly in such a context. I'll fix that.