Animer deux composants en même temps /animate two components
Bonsoir tout le monde,
Après une recherche sur le forum je ne trouve pas la réponse à ma question. C'est pourquoi je m'en remets à vous et à votre savoir en matière de composants dynamiques.
Je souhaite animer deux composants en un seul clic. En effet j'ai constitué un tiroir dynamique et et des façades de tiroir dynamiques.
Or je n'arrive pas à faire en sorte qu'en cliquant sur la façade cela actionne une fonction Animate sur le tiroir dans le même temps.Auriez-vous une idée de comment résoudre ce cas de figure ?
J'ai essayé de grouper le tiroir et la façade mais je n'arrive pas à faire bouger les deux composants en même temps.Si besoin je peux partager mon composant dynamique afin que vous puissiez naviguer dedans.
Dans l'espoir de vous lire,
Merci par avance,GuillaumeChsg
create a separate attribute and reference that
Dynamic components - Animation
Hi Forum, I’m working on a pair of gears meshing and I want to animate them. The gears are identical and I can animate them - but only one at a time. Is it possible to animate them both together so that they remain in me…
SketchUp Community (
Si besoin je peux partager mon composant dynamique afin que vous puissiez naviguer dedans.
can do -
Hi Pcmoor,
Thanks you for responding,
Here is my Dynamic Component, this is a little complex because of generating copies.
I let you see that in my dynamic component. -
All right, I made it !!
Using the link you gave me, i finally got that drawer open, but it open all the drawer in the same time
I used the fonction ANIMATECUSTOM.
Maybe do somebody knows how I can open them one by one ?
All the drawers/facedrawers are generated automatically.Here is my dynamic component if someone wants to see the "problem".
The drawer and face has to be within the component that is copied, most likely you need a handle too. So place all within a "opening" component and copy this as needed.
May I know if this is a one / two off project or are you hoping to create a collection?
Thanks for the answers you gave me ! I'm sorry but my english is not so good and I didn't quite understand your question "May I know if this is a one / two off project or are you hoping to create a collection?"
Moreover, I thank you VERY MUCH for the modifications and the solution you gave me ! It works very well !
I will look into your modification and try to understand your thought processWarmest regards PCMOOR
Further to this, you will notice that on animation of the bottom drawer, all move. To correct this the animation must be moved to inside the copy. Hence another level is created.
My reason to ask about your interest in DCs is to guide you in your development. Although internal copies has its merit it also has many drawbacks, in that it greatly increases file size and becomes more complicated in structure, as are becoming aware. So if this is a basic project then okay, but if its a development toward a kitchen design system with quantity lists, materials... then I suggest looking at you still wish to pursue your own, then I can help, but the DCs need to be simple and have the ability to swap, plus incorporate some simple ruby scripts to make it easier to handle.