Evolution of a Chair
Lots of woodworking related SketchUp stuff lately but not much I can show yet. Did these models recently to show someone how to revise a chair plan they had from an adult-sized dining chair to a child's high chair. I started with a plan for a chair I found in a book publish in the very early 1900's and worked from there. Last I heard, the guy is building the high chair for his soon to be born grandchild.
Seems the evolution is not finished!
Miss on the other side on the left same Chair that the baby beginning but bigger and more large!Loop is closed!
Evolution isn't a closed loop.
Good lesson in modifying components rather than starting from scratch. I seem to recall that you also did a Design.Click.Build blog post on finewoodworking.com that covered the same ground. There, if memory serves, you stretched a coffee table.
Thank you David. And good memory on my blog post.
Great job
Yes this is cool! (Thought I replied earlier)
loop or not loop
love it
Thank you gentlemen.