Issues with a simple material copy raycast script
@tig said:
In my earlier version, if I make the to textured and project it onto a lower surface the top one's UV mapping is repeated on the lower surface.
So I know it works.
You just need to swap top/bottom properly to apply to you own chosen set up...If you use a blank face's UV mapping you won't get what's on the UV-mapped face...
Try it with just a few facets first...
Maybe I'm having trouble understanding. I'll use the script you posted and the test model I posted. What was your exact process to get the UVs on the top model looking like the original on the bottom? Maybe our process is just different. I assumed you used the test model I uploaded?
I can see some issues, BUT you need to clarify what face's texture you are copying with UVs and onto which face you apply them...
@tig said:
I can see some issues, BUT you need to clarify what face's texture you are copying with UVs and onto which face you apply them...
Maybe I'm just explaining it wrong, but I don't know how to be more clear about what I'm after. I have uploaded a few pictures about what I'm after as well as a model which allows me to test.
In the model I have the original on the bottom and the recreated mesh on the top. I want the textures and UVs of the faces on the bottom to be copied to the untextured model above.
Sorry. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're asking.
Thanks for being patient.
I think this code does what you want.
I have used your original conventions...
The upper faces are the un-textured ones and the lower faces are textured.
Each of the upper faces centroids now casts a ray downwards, and if it hits a lower face then the material from the lower face is applied onto the upper face, using the lower face's UV mapping.
We can't be 100% sure that the ray will always hit a face below, because the upper and lower faces are different shapes etc, so if the ray hits a lower edge rather than a lower face, then there's no face to get a material from - so in that case a lower face belonging to that lower edge is found and used in lieu - that way we never have a 'blank' face in the upper set.
Because the faces differ in some places the UV mapping can look a little odd on occasion...### CopyBelowMaterials.rb ### by Chanz require 'sketchup.rb' ### module DAN ### def self.copymaterials() model=Sketchup.active_model ents=model.active_entities #ss=model.selection ### use selected UNtextured [upper] faces to speed it up faces = ents.grep(Sketchup;;Face) #faces = ss.grep(Sketchup;;Face) ### use selected UNtextured faces to speed it up ### return nil unless faces[0] ### begin model.start_operation("DAN.copymaterials", true) rescue model.start_operation("DAN.copymaterials") end ### faces.each {|face| rayt = model.raytest(c=self.find_centroid(face), Z_AXIS.reverse) ### UPPER >>> LOWER if rayt f = rayt[1].grep(Sketchup;;Face)[0] unless f f = nil e = rayt[1].grep(Sketchup;;Edge) f = e[0].faces[0] if e end self.process_face(face, f) if f ### UPPER >>> LOWER end } ### model.commit_operation ### end # Finds an adjusted point, so we won't raycast down to an edge ;) HOPEFULLY ### OK if triangulated... ### BUT IF the face is L shaped the centroid might not fall on it !!! def self.find_centroid(face) vertices=face.vertices vertices[vertices.length]=vertices[0] centroid=Geom;; a_sum=0.0 y_sum=0.0 x_sum=0.0 for i in (0...vertices.length-1) temp=(vertices[i].position.x*vertices[i+1].position.y)-(vertices[i+1].position.x*vertices[i].position.y) a_sum+=temp x_sum+=(vertices[i+1].position.x+vertices[i].position.x)*temp y_sum+=(vertices[i+1].position.y+vertices[i].position.y)*temp end###for centroid.x=x_sum/(3*a_sum) centroid.y=y_sum/(3*a_sum) centroid.z=face.bounds.min.z return centroid end # NOTE; face_upper is in the model.ents||selection, face_lower is the TEXTURED face the raytest hit def self.process_face(face_upper, face_lower) ### texture_writer=Sketchup.create_texture_writer ### if face_lower.material && ! face_lower.material.texture ### paint the plain material if it exists but it has no texture face_upper.material=face_lower.material elsif face_lower.material ### A material and it has a texture... # Sample the UVs from LOWER face samples = [] samples << face_lower.vertices[0].position ### 0,0 | Origin samples << samples[0].offset(face_lower.normal.axes.x) ### 1,0 | Offset Origin in X samples << samples[0].offset(face_lower.normal.axes.y) ### 0,1 | Offset Origin in Y samples << samples[1].offset(face_lower.normal.axes.y) ### 1,1 | Offset X in Y xyz = [];uv = [] ### Arrays containing 3D and UV points. uvh = face_lower.get_UVHelper(true, true, texture_writer) samples.each { |position| xyz << position ### XYZ 3D coordinates uvq = uvh.get_front_UVQ(position) ### UV 2D coordinates uv << self.flattenUVQ(uvq) } pts = [] ### Position texture. (0..3).each { |i| pts << xyz[i] pts << uv[i] } # Set the position for textured material from face_upper onto face_lower front face_upper.position_material(face_lower.material, pts, true) end ### end ### Get UV coordinates from UVQ matrix. def self.flattenUVQ(uvq) return Geom;; / uvq.z, uvq.y / uvq.z, 1.0) end ### ### menu unless file_loaded?(__FILE__)"Plugins").add_submenu("Copy Materials...") menu.add_item("To Nearest Below"){self.copymaterials()} end file_loaded(__FILE__) end
Thanks again for the reply TIG. Unfortunately, I see the same issues. To verify it wasn't the small differences in faces from DropVertices, I made a copy of the bottom textured model and moved it directly above. I removed the top materials and then ran the script. UV issue is still there. Have you actually downloaded the file and run this script with the top mesh faces selected? Have you seen the UV issues or did it look okay for you? Honestly, I guess I will just give up at this point.
I have figured out another sort of workaround where I make a sandbox mesh above the original, run this script we wrote (which does perfectly with the texture and UVs when the raycast is from a flat surface), then use UVToolkit to save the UVs, then drop the vertices and then restore the UVs. It works. A few extra steps but this script has been enough of a headache.
Regardless, thanks for your help.