20 Reasons for SketchUp artists to consider Blender
Chipp — does Kit Ops work on MacOS as well, or is it Windows only?
Also, I've ben trying to find the recommended min. system requirements for EEVEE — do you have any insight from your experience?
Thanks Chipp, very tempting.
@db11 said:
Chipp — does Kit Ops work on MacOS as well, or is it Windows only?
Also, I've ben trying to find the recommended min. system requirements for EEVEE — do you have any insight from your experience?
Yes, it works on Mac.
I'd look over at Blenderartists.org for info on a min sys config for Mac.It now does support some Mac only configs, I just don't know enough about it.
@db11 said:
Chipp — does Kit Ops work on MacOS as well, or is it Windows only?
Also, I've ben trying to find the recommended min. system requirements for EEVEE — do you have any insight from your experience?
Found this link
Differences between Blender 2.8 for Windows and macOS?
Hi, I haven’t tried Blender 2.8 yet, because of the early alpha stage it is in at the time I write this. But I’m eagerly anticipating switching to 2.8. I’m wondering though: will there be differences between 2.8 for Wi…
Blender Artists Community (blenderartists.org)
OK, thanks Chipp. I'll check it out.
Hey all! Just launched this product:
It's called The Definitely EEVEE Materials System and it's the systematized approach to applying over 100 curated and popular materials to create photorealistic scenes and objects in Blender 2.8.
It’s about creating great renders with over 100 customized materials, all based on a simple system-- so you can quickly and easily customize them ad infinitum! Plus it works without having to UV Unwrap meshes (and works doubly good if you have meshes that are already unwrapped).
Plus there’s this really amazing DIRT GROUP NODE that allows you to add dirt in controlled ways to any material. And there’s the new Excalibur materials and so much more.
Learn more at https://gum.co/EEVEE2
Looks really cool Chipp. It's a great idea to have such a useful and comprehensive set of render-ready textures without the hassle.
I haven't had much of a chance to explore Blender 2.8 yet, but once I've familiarized myself with the UI and basic functions I'm planning on buying your course. I would continue to (mostly) model in SU and then port to Blender for EEVEE rendering as you have advocated. Under that scenario, the need for a decent material set becomes obvious.
What do you think would be a reasonable timeframe to allocate for mastering the basics of Blender and your SU to Blender workflow? (from pretty much a standing start)
It looks like I'll have some time later this spring to finally dive into Blender and I'm curious as to how much time I'll need to invest to ramp up.
@db11 said:
What do you think would be a reasonable timeframe to allocate for mastering the basics of Blender and your SU to Blender workflow? (from pretty much a standing start)
I'd give myself a few hours to watch the course for a quick grasp of the entire workflow. Do the same with the materials course (7 videos all well under 10 mins).
Then take a day and use the course as a guide to get you started. You should be able to have something up and running by the end of a days work.
Let me know if that works!
That's good news and less time than I would have thought. If I can be comfortable and with a functional workflow after a week with Blender, then I would be very happy. If I could actually be producing useful output after a day or two, then hallelujah!
Using Bender (at least initially) primarily as a rendering pipeline seems like a relatively painless intro to the program, and once acclimated then I'll likely start playing more with other aspects of the platform. I also see it as a good hedge against SU Pro's increasingly uncertain and opaque future.
Looking forward to trying out your course(s) sometime in the next few weeks, and will let you know how it goes. Cheers!
With 30 minutes more...
@Chipp, aren't they looking for speakers for Basecamp 2020...
Hi Chipp..
Are you planning on releasing a 'Definitely EEVEE: Definitive Exteriors' course? Being an architect (who does not always indulge in interior design) I would like to do some quick exterior renders using blender and eevee (using HDRi etc). Or do you think it will be helpful if i get the 'Definitely EEVEE: Definitive Interiors' and apply the concepts for exteriors? (PS : I am not proficient in using blender and so that is why i am hoping for someone to guide me through the paces) -
@pbacot said:
I'm also interested, though my projects get into interior visualization as well. I think though that there were some issues mentioned in the course that indicated Evee is better suited for interiors. I'd like that explained. The course is worthwhile in itself, but I don't see its application to exteriors as yet. It might help you with blender 2.8 in general.
Thanks! This is what i gathered from reading the course outline! Hopefully Chipp would chip in regarding this!
@jenujacob said:
Hi Chipp..
Are you planning on releasing a 'Definitely EEVEE: Definitive Exteriors' course? Being an architect (who does not always indulge in interior design) I would like to do some quick exterior renders using blender and eevee (using HDRi etc). Or do you think it will be helpful if i get the 'Definitely EEVEE: Definitive Interiors' and apply the concepts for exteriors? (PS : I am not proficient in using blender and so that is why i am hoping for someone to guide me through the paces)I'm also interested, though my projects get into interior visualization as well. I think that there were some issues mentioned in the course that indicated Evee is better suited for interiors. I'd like that explained. The course is worthwhile in itself, but I don't see its application to exteriors as yet. It might help you with blender 2.8 in general.
Blender looks good BUT there doesn't seem to be a way to convert to quads that can be imported to Solidworks
@jenujacob said:
Hi Chipp..
Are you planning on releasing a 'Definitely EEVEE: Definitive Exteriors' course? Being an architect (who does not always indulge in interior design) I would like to do some quick exterior renders using blender and eevee (using HDRi etc). Or do you think it will be helpful if i get the 'Definitely EEVEE: Definitive Interiors' and apply the concepts for exteriors? (PS : I am not proficient in using blender and so that is why i am hoping for someone to guide me through the paces)I've had many a request for such a course and I think it would be a great idea. Unfortunately, my time is limited currently as I'm dealing with some health issues, but your idea is on my list.
I don't see any reason exteriors would be difficult for EEVEE. FWIW, I'm also playing around with Blender XR which is a VR addon to Blender which would let you walk around in you interior.
@chippwalters said:
I've had many a request for such a course and I think it would be a great idea. Unfortunately, my time is limited currently as I'm dealing with some health issues, but your idea is on my list.
I don't see any reason exteriors would be difficult for EEVEE. FWIW, I'm also playing around with Blender XR which is a VR addon to Blender which would let you walk around in you interior.
Thanks for replying. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Get well soon and hope you come roaring back with that exteriors tutorial!
Best wishes!