Best way to scale about a given point?
Most programs allow you to scale about a given point. The SU scale tool only allows you to scale from the middle or one of the 'edge' points. Anyone know a way to scale about a chosen point? I know I can scale then move, but was looking for something a bit more interactive.
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@chippwalters said:
Most programs allow you to scale about a given point. The SU scale tool only allows you to scale from the middle or one of the 'edge' points. Anyone know a way to scale about a chosen point? I know I can scale then move, but was looking for something a bit more interactive.
I use a technique fo placing and rotating spot light features that will suit you, but also have several other suggestions:
1 LIGHT FIXTURES - create a box with the x, y and z center point located where you want the base point to be. Scale the box with native SU tool, using centered scale until it hides the fixture component. If you need to do it with precision scale the box unly to max component extents. Make a comvonent with both box and fixture. Hide the box inside the component.
I use this to rotate the light fixtures using the red grips of the move tool, but you can use it for scale.
2 - FREDOSCALE - I use box scale to target in similar occasions.
3 - WIIKI GIZMO PLUGIN - I don't know if it can do that but probably it can.
thanks to Eneroth, i learned that the axis origin of a group can be moved to wherever you need it by right-clicking one of the axis lines in the edit mode and choosing ''place''. you then close, re-open and scale. but to be clear, i am talking about re-sizing - not scaling. although re-sizing can also be construed as re-scaling. clear as mud?