Rocky Landscape
Deck Builder + LightUp + Pilou = Zany
Only missing Random Color!
In fact seems the random color Painter from Chris Fullmer is not more working with new versions!
So I must use a tricky one by Sdmitch where you can use your own palett!
(if i refind it in my fearies' chest box!
LightUp $ or free Real Time Simlab Composer Lite (maxi 1920 * 1080)Edit : refound!
Trees pack by Rich O'B -
@pilou said:
In fact seems the random color Painter from Chris Fullmer is not more working with new versions!
So I must use a tricky one by Sdmitch where you can use your own palett!
(if i refind it in my fearies' chest box!
LightUp $ or free Real Time Simlab Composer Lite (maxi 1920 * 1080)Edit : refound!
Trees pack by Rich O'B[attachment=0:2w4xjv7g]<!-- ia0 -->deckolor01.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2w4xjv7g]
I like this one a little bit more than the previous ones you posted, but I guess it's just a personal preference since I like the colors more in this one.
THX (in 30 s work ...i can't make miracles at each time!
Life is too short! Particulary at the end! -
Thanks Rich!
Looks useful Richard especially the unique fitting texture. Would it be possible to upload a 2015 version ?
I have tons of these landscapes with 4k textures. They all support SUbD so it is easy to add good displacement to them.
Didn't think they'd be of much use. Maybe I should package them up?
Yeah they look handy and quite natural Rich that last one had a 1k texture though right ?
Only to save on file size.
I use Substance Painter to paint based on height. So it is easy to go from lowland grass to high rocky areas with a few clicks.
Ah ok thanks for the texturing tip with substance painter.