[Request] Plugin to show and copy/move all scenes cameras
Hi everyone, is there a plugin to show the scenes camera, just like in 3ds max, camera and target? I have a big model, and lots of scenes have been saved already- however I have to move all my model to a new file with all new location as well. If only I can select the scenes cameras as well, just like an object, that would be great, then I don't have to repeat saving the scenes again. Thanks!
Which verson of SKetchUp are you using? and Pro or Make?
In the Pro version you will find ACT (Advanced Camera Tools), give that a try.
I have 2015 and 2016, both Pro versions.. thanks I will check it out.
Also take a look at ThomThom's Camera Tools
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I've always found advanced camera tools clunky and the area of view of the camera always causes clipping problems when I'm trying to model Does anyone regularly use that plugin?
Also take a look at what the pluginstore has to offer:
Christina Eneroth has a tool that will copy camera locations, IIRC there are others as well
Personally I don't use the ACT, I tried it when I initially became aware of it and I didn't like it either, I can see it's usefulness though but I get along without it just fine currently.
also check this one:
http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=scenetweak -
Look at this:
https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/scenes-tools -
For me Advanced Camera Tools is unusable, because it creates these unbelievable huge frustums that generate clipping problems. And you always have to lock them laboriously or you will risk that the view gets moved unintentionally and then there is no undo available! I really can't understand how such dumb "features" can be tollarated over such a long period. Did they never test them for themselves? This should be really easy to fix, but for some reason it gets ignored.
Would be great if someone could write an improved version.
I use Julia Christina Eneroth´s Camera Memory almost every day to copy-paste scene cameras from
one model to an other model. It works perfectly for me and I love this tool.
You can "only" copy-paste SU´s standard perspectives - it is not suitable to copy-paste SU´s
two-point perspective scenes however.For some reason I have not been able to figure out how to work with SU's advanced camera tools
so far and which possibilities this tool provides... -
its the same with the mentioned clipping problem...