Universal Construction Kit
i have found in the net a cool site about Universal Construction Kit.on the same page you can find the SHAPEWAYS 3D PRINT MATERIALS KIT
The toy's that was in my toy box 1958-1963
The Lincoln Log, Tinkertoys, American Plastic Bricks and Kenner Girder and Panel Modern-As-Tomorrow Building set #21
Thank for the memories.
Lincoln Logs were invented sometime around 1916-1917 when John Lloyd Wright was working in Japan with his father.[3]
Tinkertoys was a construction toy. Tinkertoys were created in 1914
Elgo Plastics made American Plastic Bricks. They are associated with the 1950s, but you could still find them under the Christmas tree in the 1960s.
Kenner Girder & Panel Modern-As-Tomorrow Building set #21
I would wish we could connect all parts of our Construction Kit world wide (WW).
I think in all different continents we have different systems.
Adaptors will be useful to connect different standards,too.
My big dream is, we doesn´t need this all. i mean a WW Standard.
Every producer of hardware create an own standard, I think it´s a little bit stupid.
Yes i know, the producer will only a compatiblity inside the own system.
an other problem is the different measure systems.
my most used app on iphone is an measure app that calculate between different systems.
here is the problem, only the Apple Apps (iphone/ipad) is in the download.
when i find an app for both systems Android/Apple/or windows mobile apps i must pay again for the second plateform.
i could writing down so many other problems.. however i will stop here. I think all readers here can read between the lines. all readers here understand the main problem. I hope
What i love in Sketchup is: You and I can make the world a little bit easier. And we can sketching our ideas more faster than ever.
greetings from the Innotrans Area in Berlin/Germany
p.s.im not working for google