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Architectural Visualizations
Refurb of Existing Property
This is an existing property that's been abandoned for some years, its listed so we cant do too much to it.
Link to 13Mb PDF Layout presentation: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=FAF13FA139D91764!34893%26amp;authkey=!APSpo1-diFjjV-A%26amp;ithint=file%2cpdfRendered with Twilight.
What sort of use do you have in mind? It looks like very little scope for privacy garden wise and if that is scrub land, is there any potential for expaning to allow for a private garden suitable for a family?
It's quite a substantial site, we dint bother modelling it as the client is going to do all that himself.
Google map link: https://goo.gl/maps/WrLCs8EXgSJ2 -
Got you, thanks for the link Paul, looks like becoming a nice home.