Quad chamfer corner question
I'm trying to understand how to calculate the position of the middle vertex in a quad chamfer where all faces are planar quads.
How is the lenght of the blue line calculated?
I've made the simplest possible example scene to try and understand how it works.
If I understand you correctly, this is how I would solve it
The corner "hole" consists of 6 edges (see image). Two edges defines a plane represented by an array of the form
[point, normal]
. If you have two edges with a common vertex the normal is the cross product of the edges:normal = e0.line[1].cross(e1.line[1]) plane = [e0.start.position, normal]
Given planes pl0, pl1, pl2 for the edge sets (red, green and blue in the image), you can now calculate the point:
line = Geom::intersect_plane_plane(pl0, pl1) point = Geom::intersect_line_plane(line, pl2)
The point represents the position of your vertex in the corner.
Thanks, I'll try that.
Did you find a solution?
Did you create a quad-chamfer extension? o_O
I looked into it but hadn't the time needed to solve it so hoping someone picks up on this and creates a quad chamfer plugin.
@pixero said:
I looked into it but hadn't the time needed to solve it so hoping someone picks up on this and creates a quad chamfer plugin.
I did this six weeks ago. Sorry for not posting it sooner.
Wow! Would it be possible to have the script do the chamfering/fillet of edges with a radius/offset setting and a segment setting and not just the corner?
Like Image 1 and 3 in this example. -
Isn't that what the Round Corners plugin does?
ps. The Quad Chamfer plugin executes with a left click when the Yellow edges appear instead of the Messagebox.
@sdmitch said:
Isn't that what the Round Corners plugin does?
ps. The Quad Chamfer plugin executes with a left click when the Yellow edges appear instead of the Messagebox.
Round corner plugin is great but creates a triangel at the corner, so an all quads chamfer/fillet plugin is still needed.
I've asked for him to fix it but nothing has happened so go for it! -
I guess Fredo is occupied with Animator these days.
It would be great if more extensions could be made available on GitHub, BitBucket with open source licenses - allowing people to add to existing extensions instead of re-implementing similar functions.