COPY function sends copies to Layer0
I created a layer named "X" and placed a specific sub-component on that layer with the objective of isolating it, using Scenes, when needed. Copies of this sub-component are created using the COPY attribute, based on changes in its parent component. Sketchup is creating those copies on Layer0 instead of X.
Is there a way to have those copies created to Layer X so that I don't have to place them there every time there's a change in the parent?
Thank you!
You could encase the component which is on a particular layer within another component, apply all your copy function to the outer component, which can remain in layer0, thus making copies on layer0 with inner components still on the correct layer
example attached
Thank you pcmoor. I'll give that a try, although I wonder if the dynamic component formulas will function properly when I add the component level.
yes if there are some other attributes you want to excess via the front dialog box, you do need to pass them through.
Double wrapping an component has some other advantages as mentioned on some of my other posts in that you can retain the existing len attributes in a swap if required, ideal for swapping a beam or window/door for a different profile and retain the size in the drawing.
If you find it difficult, post an example and I will walk through the steps -
Is that the only solution? I'm trying to avoid encasing, as my hierarchy is already getting out of hand