New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
Casca, I don't understand what you said?
I have a question, I set the resolution up at the Max 1900 x 1080, but the screen size, and text, is still a bit too large now.
can I set the resolution even higher??
Probably not, your display will limit what is available. You are set to 1080P.
with digital monitors always use the native resolution of the display (here 1920 x 1080).
if Windows 7/8/10 you can check if you have fiddled with the text/icon size scaling of Windows by clicking at "Make text and other items larger or smaller" and adjust the scaling to a smaller value:
That did it, I was set to Max,
thanks for the tip Sketch!
Darn, I still have the 'missing text' problem in my exported images, with this jpg and with a tif,
that's why I got this new card, hoped it would fix this !
So what's happening with the text?
here's how it should look
and then here's the exported 6000 pixels wide Image
see the - Beam Connection - upper left is missing and the text lower left is smudged?
Unfortunatelly that issue isn't related with your GPU but with the way Sketchup displays text and relates text position with camera position.
Some times that happens with exported sketchup jpgs and the only solution is to place text differently, often, pushing it away from camera.
it's happening almost every image!
these block areas showing up in the text is the same issue,
never happened with my ol SUp Ver 5
Never happens to me as I use Layout for that. I keep thinking I should dimension and leader in sketchup so it's nice I have these posts to remind me why I do not.
chit, happening almost every image now .. 2d, or 3d images, doesn't matter
My Open GL is use Hdwr Asc and fast feedback,
my video card Program Settings set to Google SUp, what other Settings can I try?
Can I report this as a bug, to a support team??
check that "Camera > Perspective" is enabled and the FoV at "Camera > Field of View" is configured to 30 degrees (or higher).
No I have the FOV set to 35, thanks anyway, anyone else have any ideas?
where would I report this bug??
default FOV differs between Make and Pro versions, it's easy enough to set it the way you prefer though...
@joe wood said:
...anyone else have any ideas?
where would I report this bug??
is the model very small/big in absolute dimensions or very far away from the origin?
Nope, just an average sized model right at the origin.
This happens with all my models, now that I've gone with SUp 2016 ..
thanks for the link Sketch!
try if grouping the text elements helps.
Yeah already done that, I almost always group all the text in a scene, so I can hide it all for the next scene.
Just tried a png, exact same missing / smudged text ..
I can't zoom out, I'll loose the scene setup.
I'm already at max resolution 1920 x 1080.
has anyone else reported this issue??