SCBWI monthly DRAW THIS contest
First Concept for this month's contest.
The word is "Borrow"
Edit: Added second concept (click for better view)
Edit: Added a different version of the robot dragonfly, with sparkles!
Another concept idea for the word "borrow".....
The problem is, the image has to read at a small size because of the way they are posted. Too little or too much stuff may cause confusion and I have to keep in mind it is for kids.
Is there a story in this image?
Okay nobody at work understood the last image, so here is a really straight forward concept.
(And my first Dino)(Btw if I have worn out my welcome with this series just tell me...)
Edit: well I can't use this one. Someone else shows two octopus (octopi?) sharing sweaters.
if you tweet you can check out #scbwidrawthis where illustrators past images early.Back to the drawing board.
Edit: I added another image. I thought "borrow" a time machine, ya it didn't work. So sometimes you have to post mistakes!
Good or not, this is what I submitted.
I will try not to bug you until the end of the month when the winners are announced!Maybe I should make a dinosaur book?
The May contest is now live. didn't win but Miranda Ireland and Vashti Harrison did.
The word for June is not yet posted.
SCBWI decided to discontinue the monthly DrawThis contest. Then a funny thing happened, one of last month's winners got a book deal. Now it is back for August.
The word for August is "ADMIRE".
I started thinking about it (not that my style can win) and here are a few thoughts.
Remember to check out my free books on (shameless plug)
Any thoughts on these?
Submitted this one for "Admire"
The contest for August is now live at
The word was "Admire"
My entry is waaaayyyy different from everyone else.
The winners have not been announced yet and I wonder how they are actually chosen?
I was going to enter this one but my wife thought it was creepy.
Just a quick update. The winners from August were Nancy Lemon and Kirk Parrish.
The word for September is "Royal"
And now a meaningless image.
The winners of the August contest were
Nancy Lemon
Kirk ParrishTried a different style for my "Royal" entry. (I was going to make it "with cheese" but I doubt they would get it.)
The Spider King
The latest contest for the word "Royal" was posted.
Seems my entry did not make the cut. I thought my spider was okay but apparently not..
How are the books doing?
Hi Bryan, the books are okay. No big sales yet, I think my style is soooo different from the soft focus illustrations typically found in children's books. It is really tough to break into the market.
Here is a rough copy of my latest book. It might be the last one for a while until I figure out how to market my stuff.
Pirate Spiders of Lars (best viewed full screen)
Oh well maybe back to watercolor. Thanks for asking!
I like your watercolors.
Hang in there with the books. You may just be ahead of your time. I think they are perfect for children books.
Thanks Bryan, I will keep working it.
Here is a coffee break watercolor. Made the rough idea in sketchup, painted a vanilla version of it.
"Cow in Sunshine"
The word for September is "Swift". I made this.
I'm sorry if this is going across as if I know it all but Sara, my ex, is a speach and language therapist and she uses games and children's books as a way of encouraging children with language (speech or cognition) and learning problems. I think you could slightly change your focus and do something good while getting a reasonable return. With your permission I would like to pass on your email so you can talk direct and get pointers direct from the horses mouth. Is that OK? NOT time to give up and I believe in your idea. I hope something can be worked out.
Just a quick point, your link above is not working, Sara would be better placed if she could see what you have so far. Never mind, I found them.
Sure, Thanks Mike!
So I put all my Bridge Building robot books on (all Free downloads)
If you have comments I would like to hear them. Like I said, I think further books are on hold until I can figure out what to do next....
The word for the next "DrawThis" contest is "swift". I may enter a watercolor instead of a sketchup image?
Quick pig sketch