New York City Appartement
fortunately I had 4 pictures of the skyline north, east, south, west. so I was able to stich them together in Photoshop to an equirectangular panorama. This one makes the nice athmosphere in that scene.
I like to render with a panoramic background. So I don't have to worry about the outside and the horizontal line always fits.
this night I rendered a quick video. Due to time, not in the best quality:
Love the video. Nice flow to it! Sushi for one.
some more rooms but new video will take a long time....
and a floorplan
Great work, detailed modelling, mood lighting and Twilight bakes it ... The model could be a little bit longer in the oven. But for the delivery it will certainly rendered rather delicate...
Yes, I am rendering a new version for the video. I am not happy with the quality. Two computers are continuasly rendering for 5 days now and still not finished
I know that. To render a SketchyPhysics simulation of an urban model in Twilight with Preview Object Animation can easily take 2 weeks ...
now I am modelling the second flor.
First Render, the TV Room.
this time I am trying the new youtube pano mode. But I am not happy with the quality.
Moviemaker is not able to produce a video more than 1920/1080
Try VirtualDub 1.10.4 and X264vfw for compression - I am very satisfied with it. The processing of single-frame animation is very pleasant too.
that is a good idea. Can you recomend any tutorial how to make a movie with a single picture. I'va had a look to the programm but I couldn't find the right menu
Move the single frame to an empty folder. Open the frame in VirtualDub. Menu - Edit - Copy - Paste - as much as you need. Menu - Video - Frame Rate - Change to 1 fps. Menu - File - Export as AVI ...
and a pano of the guestroom:
the masterbedroom
You need a sign saying "Mind the first step. it's a doosie".
and the Masterbathroom
walkin wardrobe
it took a few month but now it is finshed: