New York City Appartement
jo-ke , very nice
Fantastic. I think these go a step beyond your previous rendering. Amazed what you can do, seemingly on a whim.
Really nice - I cannot even imagine how to get started with something like this. I really enjoy being able to see the NY skyline in the background.
Would be great if you could teach some of us inexperienced users how to do stuff like this. Of course we would not be able to achieve the quality but being able to understand the full process is valuable.
@ntxdave: No problem. Just ask me, what you want to know. This wasn't to difficult. Just two evenings work. I think the outside Panorama makes the right athmosphere
Yes, the panaroma is the thickest part. IMO
fortunately I had 4 pictures of the skyline north, east, south, west. so I was able to stich them together in Photoshop to an equirectangular panorama. This one makes the nice athmosphere in that scene.
I like to render with a panoramic background. So I don't have to worry about the outside and the horizontal line always fits.
this night I rendered a quick video. Due to time, not in the best quality:
Love the video. Nice flow to it! Sushi for one.
some more rooms but new video will take a long time....
and a floorplan
Great work, detailed modelling, mood lighting and Twilight bakes it ... The model could be a little bit longer in the oven. But for the delivery it will certainly rendered rather delicate...
Yes, I am rendering a new version for the video. I am not happy with the quality. Two computers are continuasly rendering for 5 days now and still not finished
I know that. To render a SketchyPhysics simulation of an urban model in Twilight with Preview Object Animation can easily take 2 weeks ...
now I am modelling the second flor.
First Render, the TV Room.
this time I am trying the new youtube pano mode. But I am not happy with the quality.
Moviemaker is not able to produce a video more than 1920/1080
Try VirtualDub 1.10.4 and X264vfw for compression - I am very satisfied with it. The processing of single-frame animation is very pleasant too.
that is a good idea. Can you recomend any tutorial how to make a movie with a single picture. I'va had a look to the programm but I couldn't find the right menu
Move the single frame to an empty folder. Open the frame in VirtualDub. Menu - Edit - Copy - Paste - as much as you need. Menu - Video - Frame Rate - Change to 1 fps. Menu - File - Export as AVI ...
and a pano of the guestroom: