⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Purge GE Terrain?
We rarely use the imported terrain, just the snapshot layer to get the relative positions of buildings, solar arrays and such. That's a lot of junk in the file that we can do without, especially on large projects. Is there an easy way to purge all the terrain data, other than manually deleting each tile of it?
@airwindsolar said:
Is there an easy way to purge all the terrain data, other than manually deleting each tile of it?
Since all Google Earth Terrain groups have the same name they can be found and deleted rather easily using this "one liner" that can be copied and executed in the Ruby Console.
Sketchup.active_model.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Group).reverse.each{|g| next unless g.name=='Google Earth Terrain';g.locked=false;g.erase!}