Demilune Gate Leg Flip Top Games Table
I haven't had time to do any SketchUp practice recently but did yesterday while waiting for the family to get up. This is the result. A pair of little walnut demilune games tables. The original was made almost 60 years ago.
I already had the padfoot leg component which I'd drawn for a chapter in my new book. (shameless plug
) The leg needed only some simple modification at the top for this table. The apron was easily drawn using Chris Fullmer's Shape Bender although it could also be done with Flowify. Shape Bender requires less setup though.
that´s a nice furniture!
And a better veneer choice and it´s shown look here is not possible... -
I see. Thank you!
Really nice presentation and realism. The legs creep me out for some reason, like it's going to start walking around, but it's all pretty slick.
Hey Dave, do you ever get to build any of these nice pieces??
Not very often, Joe. But I won't be bored in retirement.
pretty cool Mr. Dave. got to agree with pbacot there is something creepy about the legs. think it may be the shape of the "knee"and man o man you've got some great textures
Is there a table of contents as a preview for your new book available somewhere?
@cotty said:
Is there a table of contents as a preview for your new book available somewhere?
I don't think so but that's a good idea. I'll pass it on.
Great making of video too...
I've tried this example with the plugin Flowify, it's a great alternative if the shape gets to complicated for the shapebender plugin...
Thank you and very good, Carsten. I did it with Flowify, too, but decided for what I needed to accomplish, Shape Bender required less set up. You're right about the more complicated shapes, though.
BTW, I passed on your request for a table of contents. They thought it was a good suggestion so maybe we'll see it soon.
@dave r said:
BTW, I passed on your request for a table of contents. They thought it was a good suggestion so maybe we'll see it soon.
Great news!
@Cotty, with many thanks to my long-suffering editor, here is a copy of the table of contents from the book.