Custom tools or alternatives for holding down keys
Due to physical limitations I cannot hold down any keys. However several functions require buttons to be held down is there any way to make tools for these functions? Or some hotkey to be pressed? For instance the scale tool requires that you Hold down the control key to scale around center. Can anybody help me or suggest an extension I could get?
This looks interesting: mouse only plus a program called StrokeIt:
search on here for gestures
I often use an onscreen keyboard for this as I'm regularly drawing with a stylus on a tablet resting in the crook of my arm. Or my left hand is more usefully engaged holding a beer.
As you see here I have no trouble scaling and copying etc one handed as the relevant keys stay pressed until you unpress them.
I prefer this keyboard over the built in one as you can easily resize it so it doesn't take up half your screen.
You can also get a multitude of gaming mice that have extra keys on them, so you can hold control with your thumb while using left mouse button with your finger.
@box said:
I often use an onscreen keyboard for this as I'm regularly drawing with a stylus on a tablet resting in the crook of my arm.
Thank you for the link to the onscreen keyboard. I have a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium tablet that, in the past, I've tried (unsuccessfully) to use with SU.
It seems like having the onscreen keyboard might help.
Do you have any tips on how to use the tablet with SU? Do you use it all the time or just for special tasks?
Do you know about Windows Sticky Keys?
In Windows 10, go to Settings > Ease of Access> Keyboard for several more options.
@bob james said:
Do you have any tips on how to use the tablet with SU? Do you use it all the time or just for special tasks?
The reality Bob is I'm probably the last person to ask about specific workflow.
I have no set layout, toolbars and tray are everywhere. I have different setups on different computers and I change each of those to suit what I am doing. I'm ambidextrous, so space mouse in right hand feels the same to me as left hand. I have an Intuos and a Cintiq and have the stylus setting different on each. Mainly because the intuos is a blank faced dedicated graphics tablet that is always connected to a specific computer, while the Cintiq is a graphic tablet that can wander to thepubwork site on it's own.
Throw in a space mouse and other assorted input devices and I work differently every time.
There are a several threads here that have discussed how different people use a tablet and a quick search with Wacom find a couple of good ones.Having typed all that, basically set the hover, tap and buttons so you can easily access orbit, pan and right click, the rest can be done by onscreen keyboard or the touch feature or the hard keys of the tablets.
Ps it's also why sometimes in my Gif's you'll see my mouse wander around a bit looking for the tools, as I have only positioned them to fit the gif box of 499 pixels.
Thanks, Box, I imagine much of your best work is done at your work place despite the distractions.