Current news on 3d printing 2016
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 21, 2016 NEWS
IMAX Teams Up With Google, Starbreeze to Bring VR to Theaters. eweek|
"to select IMAX theaters as well as shopping centers, tourist attractions and other locations"
Doumit Raïdy fait sa révolution (en 3D). lorientlejour|
"of machines 3D Technology that soon upset all professional fields"
Should a Chromebook be your next laptop. foxnews|
"-shipped Apple’s Mac platform for the first time ever in the first quarter of this year"
Smart pharma. packagingtoday|
"of packaging and device services at Pfizer, to find out more"
Overwatch: large statues, Blizzard fan art, and Clueless Gamers. vg247|
RSS feeds, there giant Overwatch statues locating in various large cities across the globe"
You'll Never Believe These 12 Objects Are 3-D Printed. dmarge|
"with 3-D printing, know it’s going to be pretty darn impressive"
UM fabrication laboratory puts scientific, manufacturing equipment in artists' hands. mtstandard|
"that include some 17 or so teacups, and's making them on a 3D printer"May 22, 2016 NEWS
3D Printable Hydraulic Robots: Print, Pump, Play. technabob|
"a way to create fully functioning robot bodies or parts with no assembly required"3D prints of shipwrecks off Drumbeg and Folkestone. bbc|
"of near Drumbeg, in Sutherland, thought to date from the late 17th or early 18th century"
I Don't Want To Be Just A Survivor: Moving On From An Acid Attack. huffingtonpost|
"the United States, France and Belgium -- trying to address acid violence"
Edible Worms, Ping Pong Robots: Startups Gind Mecca in Shenzhen. cri|
"for use in disaster zones inaccessible due to contamination and rough terrain"
Behind the scenes at the NFLPA Rookie Premiere. si|
"a full-body airport security screener decked with the megawatt lighting of a tanning bed"
Battle for Kebab: Shop Owner Accepts US Tourist's Wrestling Challenge. [color=#008000:7l7exksv]"from Hardin|
"of The owner managed to defend income"
Exoskin lets you 3D print jewelry directly onto your skin. 3ders|
"for the creation of fitness trackers, smart eyewear, and even medical devices such as braces or casts"May 23, 2016 NEWS
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — Ma. 3dprint|
"to replace labor-intensive, inconsistent manual processes with 3D printing"
ExoSkin lets you print on your body. techinsider|
"the new technique allows to print 3D designs directly onto skin with ease"
3D Printed Art: Is it Really Art at All If Not, What is It. 3dprint|
"on insufferably pretentious college high horse, let return to the main question: 3D printed art real"
Designs To Help Communities In The Relief Effort. yahoo|
"the way communities be helped to rebuild after a crisis. Sky's Emma Birchley reports"
Japan : Shima Seiki to exhibit latest knitting technologies at ITM. fibre2fashion|
"an alternative to labour intensive manufacturing in Turkey and other international markets" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Blurring Boundary Lines--The Emergence of 3D Printing in the Water and Wastewater Industry. con|
"of the latest ground-breaking developments revolutionizing the water industry"
ORNL opening Chattanooga office. thedailytimes|
"be applied to make power systems nationwide cleaner, safer and more efficient"
GE announces new partnerships & investments to support Saudi Arabia as global. zawya|
"as a strategic global hub that serves the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe"
Smart Business Models Focus at drupa Innovation Park 2016. piworld|
"as platform for us to ‘implant’ new ideas on the market and to learn about business models"
SHINING 3D opens new 25,000m2 3D printing HQ in Hangzhou, China. 3ders|
"3D scanning and 3D printing equipment"Ucore Separates Scandium at 99%+ Recovery via SuperLig
-One Pilot Plant. investorintel|
"as solvent extraction and ion exchange (“Legacy Separation Technologies”)"
Y Soft Announces Expanded Xerox Relationship; Poised for Growth in 2017. prnewswire|
"the Suite or its modules receive print management software powered by Y Soft"
Africa’s future rests in manufacturing, how to create it. cnbcafrica|
"in consumption. Moreover, the population growth indicates a dramatic need for employment"
3D Shaver: Shapeways and Philips Partner to Create the World’s First Customizable 3D Printe. 3dprint|
"to offer an electric shaver with a customizable, 3D printed case"
DriveMyPhone: 3D printed, smartphone-controlled concept vehicle that can drive, swim. 3ders|
"to the compact vehicle, enabling it to clean the house, (possibly) fly, and more"
Building a better 3D-printing toolbox. plasticstoday|
"of team right now,” says Scott. Recent acquisitions brought some of the puzzle pieces in house"
NIKE embraces 3D printing technology. oregonbusinessreport|
"that future via a partnership with the multinational information technology company HP"
Nokia’s re-entry into smartphones a tough call. telegraph|
"demand every other minute of time for emails or social media"
Integra adds 3D printers to its print service offering News. dealersupport|
"Integra Office Solutions added 3D Printers and print consumables to its service offering"
Y Soft Announces Expanded Xerox Relationship Poised For Growth In 2017. bsminfo|
"of the customers support demonstrate the value bring to global partners and customers.”"
Windows 10 plus Raspberry Pi: Now they work together for wireles. zdnet|
"that add a wireless printing capability to over a dozen types of 3D printer"
iPhone 7 case leak indicates a total of 4 speaker grilles, new larger rear camera. 9to5mac|
"the top of the case and another two grilles on the bottom side" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Minio Studio open a technology hub in the Romanian Design Week. iqads|
"the night. The event open and visitors find multiple interactive experiences"
Australian Print Company Resolution Imaging Installs Esko Kongsberg XP Cutting. whattheythink|
"in hard signage, providing a full service, from design to putting the signs in place"
Smart pharma. packagingtoday|
"of packaging and device services at Pfizer, to find out more"
Vision 2030 gets SR11.25 billion boost. zawya|
"in water, energy, aviation, technology and other sectors starting from this year"
GE announces new partnerships & investments to support Saudi Arabia as global. zawya|
"and localization initiatives that support the goals of the Saudi Vision 2030"
High tech 3D designs steal the red carpet and the future of fashion. groundreport|
"to high tech fashion. At least, when it comes to the models on the red carpet"
Weren't we supposed to have 3D printers everywhere by now. techradar|
"thatsoon be sitting around printing guns, pirate copies of cars and extra legs"
Image Cropping and Image Resizing with Document Image Processing Service. thesequitur|
"of the customized method of Online image processing in South Africa"
Optimisme keert voorzichtig terug in Nederlandse bestuurskamers. consultancy|
"for drivers. Yet this year, more than ever, be dominated by strategy execution"
New 3D Printer Offers High-Res Scanner, Laser Engraver and Built-in W. thejournal|
"manufacturer XYZprinting launched a new feature-packed printer suitable for education"
Laurent Bernadac is Rocking the 3D Printer & Kickstarter with 3Dvarius, Also Known as. 3dprint|
"the 3D Printer & Kickstarter with 3Dvarius, Also Known as ‘Pauline’"
3D Hubs Becomes First to Offer Markforged Fiber-Reinforced 3D Printing Services. engineering|
"to purchase a Mark One or its most recent upgrade, the Mark Two. Now"Microsoft wants you to share your 3D printer over your network. engadget|
"other networked gadget -- don't to be picky about the apps use"
3Dprintler ChatBot Shows Bids on 3D From Your Phone. smallbiztrends|
"for printing services via favorite messaging apps like Skype, Facebook Messenger, and even S"
Mixed Metals, Magnets and Open Materials: A Look at Emerging New Company Formalloy. 3dprint|
"to take what began as a hobby to the next level. The obvious answer Metal printing" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Are We Living in a New Renaissance. scientificamerican|
"all the turmoil that marks present age, would flounder, or flourish again"
EOS on lowering the barrier to metal 3D printing. tctmagazine|
"to lower the barrier of entry for newcomers to metal 3D printing"
Xenia Gazette| Xenia Library announces June programs. xeniagazette|
"as Ages 6 and over, 10:30-11:15 a.m. June 6. Staff from the Armstrong Air & Space Museu"
Autodesk Expands Its Vision, Offerings for Fusion Platform. engineering|
"quality and cost management and, of course, tight integration with supplier networks"3D Printing Expo, Groups, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )In Brief: Highlights from AIA 2016 Philly. architosh|
"a good one. Record attendance, great speakers and tech…and let’s not forget Philly herself"
Creative charity project something to shout about. limerickleader|
"a fundraiser to rebuild a school in Nepal which devastated by earthquakes last year"
Australian Print Company Resolution Imaging Installs Esko Kongsberg XP Cutting. whattheythink|
"in hard signage, providing a full service, from design to putting the signs in place"
Drupa 2016 from a Wide-Format Perspective. whattheythink|
"as a result going to a much more conspicuous presence in Düsseldorf"
3D Print It Or Fix It. hackaday|
"of these nice arcade-style buttons that broke when slammed on car brakes and it went flying"
Photocentric wins European award for 3D printing technology. prw|
"3D printing technology after winning a grant from Innovate UK to develop a prototype"
3D Systems talk metal 3D printing with 3rd Dimension at RAPID. tctmagazine|
"other networked gadget -- don't to be picky about the apps use"
Did Someone Say Inkjet — drupa 2016. piworld|
"3D printing, functional printing and environmentally sustainable “green” printing"
Computex Taipei 2016: What to Expect at This Year's Event. chinatopix|
insights and showcase latest hardware technologies, products and services"
Minority Students Get Opportunity To Be Inventors Through Partnership. bethesdamagazine|
"the year making wind-powered cell phone chargers, digital music and remotely controlled cars"
Smart Business Models Focus at drupa Innovation Park 2016. piworld|
"as platform for us to ‘implant’ new ideas on the market and to learn about business models.”"
SLM Solutions talk"strictly metal"3D printing at RAPID. tctmagazine|
"in a range of materials including titanium, stainless steel, Inconel and aluminium"
PostProcess on the third step in 3D Printing at RAPID. tctmagazine|
"with original technology, now only takes between 30-40 minutes with this hybrid series"
Exclusive interview: Janil Puthucheary, Minister-of-State for Smart Nation. govinsider|
"a black glasses. Putucheary’s outfit demonstrates commitment to a smartly-dressed nation"
The coolest 3D-printed things at the RAPID conference. computerworld|
"of the more interesting and complex objects that on hand"
Lots of fun promised at Exeter's family rave event. exeterexpressandecho|
"to Exeter Phoenix on Sunday, May 22, for a Techno Special with a Steampunk theme" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Siemens Releases Solid Edge ST9. engineering|
"the flexibility to download, log in and use design software, wherever may be"
Innovation Excellence Taking Innovation from Lab to Society - Google Chrom. innovationexcellence|
"the globe in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia,” the authors say"
The reality of augmented and virtual reality venture capital. techcrunch|
"as DFJ Partner Bubba Murarka says, “not all VCs have taken the red pill yet"
Smart Rocks Could Lead to Oil Extraction and CO2 Capture Breakthrough. oilandgaseurasia|
"a smart rocks that can ‘talk’ to them about what actually goes on deep underground."
What is 3D printing: the technologies, methods and applications. cbronline|
"the future, even human tissue) on top of each other's until the product takes full shape"
3D-Printed Fur Could Open Up New Design Possibilities. psfk|
"in diameter, which be programmed to become adhesive or act as sensors and actuators"
NUS researchers unveil 3D-printed customised pills, Health News & Top Stories, straitstimes|
"of NUS researchers unveil 3D-printed customised pills, Health News & Top Stories"
Indian offshore wind"open playing field". oedigital|
"on the supply chain and how to roll it out.” Tamil Nadu, meanw"Carnegie Mellon University Research May Lead to Enhanced Design to Reduce Porosity. 3dprint|
"The study focuses on improving the internal structure of metals for additive manufacturing.”"
Hong Kong researchers pioneer use of 3D printing for faster, safer heart surgery. scmp|
"of Hong Kong, allowing doctors to do a more precise planning before surgeries"
Airbus unveils the world’s first 3D printed electric motorcycle: Light Rider. electrek|
"the company releases independent products developed through manufacturing work for Airbus"
Cancer breakthrough: Scottish scientists to 3D print brain tumors for the first time. 3ders|
"to better prepare medical procedures for this devastating form of cancer"
KCSG Television - Arthritis becoming more prevalent with age but technolog. kcsg|
"on translate from the knee into other joints as well.” said Dr.Clark"
A new Theory of Everything — Part one. powersportsbusiness|
"of CFA, one losing gamble with a product plan could put a company out of business"BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )FINDING DORY 3D Screening Passes Sweepstakes Rules. 6abc|
"shall mean people share the same residence at least three months a year"
Combat to the Community - Disabled Veteran Strives to Bring Tech to the People. digitaljournal|
"that hobby-enhancing, resume-improving, and small business-fueling"
News from the start-up scene: Hamburg Innovation Summit 2016. news|
"a Technology and Research Center for Applied Aviation Research in Hamburg-Finkenwerder"
Free at last: Toronto's sharing economy. nowtoronto|
%(#008000)["in the Media NOW’s Online Archive NOW Communications Inc. Built with Metro Publisher"]
Aviation Business: Editor's Insights. aviationbusiness|
"the Equipment, Non Directional Beaons (NDBs) and VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) beacons"
Lending Club - Don't Buy The Stock, Buy The Notes - LendingClub Corporation. seekingalpha|
"shown similar issues in business models in the most recent quarter"
Penn State Shenango receives grant for entrepreneurship initiative. WKBN|
", business startup training and incubation, funding and key regional partnerships" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The world's first 3D printed office is here| The Siasat Daily - Google Chrom. siasat|
"the effective use of this technology to establish future cities in all sectors"
Dubai Unveils Office Building Made By A 3D Printer Video - Google Chrom. ambrosiaforheads|
"the complexities worth it. This building said to cost only $140,000 to make"
Dubai to build world’s first 3D printed office. aviamost|
"the happiness and wellbeing of residents and to pioneer new solutions for the world"
What Cosplay Taught Me About Confidence. lifehacker|
"the days of pretending to be a rock star or a queen or a dragon"
V&A's 'a world of fragile parts' at venice architecture biennale. designboom|
"the production of copies aid in the preservation of cultural artefacts"
Il primo ufficio da stampa 3D al mondo inaugurato a Dubai. rinnovabili|
"e governatore di Dubai Sheik Mohammed l’ha definito come una “pietra miliare”"
British archeologists use 3D printing to recreate two shipwreck sites. 3ders|
"by the Historic Environment Scotland as a Historic Marine Protected Area (HMPA)"Dubai's first 3D-printed building finished in just days. 7days|
"the temporary office of the Dubai Future Foundation"
Dubai unveils world's first 3D-printed office building. cnet|
"in the future, be used to host exhibitions, workshops and other events"
Surreal Hybrid Speaker/Lamp Thunders Like a Cloud. vice|
"as clouds that able to communicate with each other, creating what calls a networked sky"
Le premier bureau imprimé en 3D vient d’ouvrir à Dubaï. journaldugeek|
"on capacity to provide makerspace in keeping with the national trend"
Dubai opens first 3D printed office building world. 3druck|
"of Dubai opens first 3D printed office building world" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Afinia Label UK Names Nathan Daniel EMEA Sales Manager. prweb|
"that Nathan Daniel been named EMEA Sales Manager"
How 3D printing helped create Parrot's Bebop 2 drone| 3. 3ders|
"for the drone without tacking on long lead times or the high costs of injection tooling"
Airbus Files Patent for 3D Printing Process That Could Print Entire Super-Strong Airplane. 3dprint|
"the freshly 3D printed items respond to the internal stresses that occur while cooling"
Rocket Lab’s Electron Rocket Launch System & 3D Printed Rutherford Engine to Blast Of. 3dprint|
"an HD-equipped robotic rover there by 2017 riding on none other than the Electron rocket"Airbus’s 3D-Printed Metal Motorcycle Weighs Just 35 Kg. engineering|
"as twice as strong as the aluminum-silicon powder otherwise used for metal 3D printing"
Airbus Files Patent for 3D Printing Process That Could Print Entire Strong Airplanes. 3dprint|
"the freshly 3D printed items respond to the internal stresses that occur while cooling"
NASA's Space Launch System gets record funding from House appropriators. al|
"The full House must still give its approval and the budget aligned with the Senate's version"
Maui Now| Maui Teachers Workshop on Drone Design. mauinow|
"to the community – a valuable and engaging educational platform for local students"
New Muscat airport project ‘to complete this year’. meconstructionnews|
"the project from the contractor by the end of 2016, the Omani Daily Observer reported"
Airbus Lands On Two Wheels With Electric Motorcycle. clutchandchrome|
"a computer controlled device, or printer, to engineer material into a designed shape"
Tech dreams big and small. todayonline|
"in one of the harshest environments known to man — space"
Janine Benyus: What Businesses Can Learn from the 'Optimization Engine of Evo. sustainablebrands|
"with pesticides. So two favorites about helping the helpers"
5 of the coolest experiments done on the International Space Station. you|
"on the inside. Illustration: Anton Vermeulen of YOU’s Infographics team"
Motor Electric Printouts 3D Printer Apworks. tren|
"to carry the load as a motorcycle biasanta and be worn everyday" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 24, 2016 NEWS
This 3D Printed Violin Costs Around Rs. 5 Lakh. ndtv|
"with the sound), electric violin based on the model of a real Stradivarius violin"
3D Printed Hair Could Change the Beauty Industry. [color=#008000:1qvjv2iv]"to amputees|
"by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Tangible Media Group"
The Impact of Big Data in Decisions. clomedia|
"to aid them in the decision-making process: journals, magazines, conversations, etc"
Footwear as art Mint says these boots (and shoes) were made for exhibiting. charlotteobserver|
"the evolution of footwear from the 1700s through today"
On the"A"w/Souleo: Maxwell and Estelle Help MoCADA Celebrate Art & Activism. huffingtonpost|
"for black girls and boys to see images of themselves,” told the crowd"
What Cosplay Taught Me About Confidence. lifehacker|
"the days of pretending to be a rock star or a queen or a dragon"
Irina Tosheva's latest collection flaunts 3D printed pieces made on a Zortrax 3D printe. 3ders|
"as takes unique 3D printed fashion collection to various catwalk events around Eastern Europe"
Process Development Archives - Rapid Ready Technology. rapidreadytech|
"of May 24, 2016"
How 3D printing is changing art. artshu|
"As 3D printing becomes more widely available, artists embracing it for a range of uses"May 25 2016 NEWS
How 3D printing is changing art. artshu|
"to an accessible technology that schools and studios afford"
Gartner names top five 'Cool Vendors in 3D printing 2016'. 3ders|
"In fact, even included Aspect Biosystems on own list of top 3D bioprinting systems"
How to future-proof your business| TechRadar - Google Chrom. techradar|
"to that question, in reality future-proofing means much more than this"
Transient consumer behavior cycles, automated tech disrupt Asian marketing strategie. luxurydaily|
"that complicate the ability to tap into Asia’s growing consumer base"
Are We Living in a New Renaissance - Scientific American. scientificamerican|
%(#008000)["of Chris Kutarna. Copyrightby the authors and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s"]
Packaging Europe News - Düsseldorf Becomes drupacity. packagingeurope|
"the airport, central station, at the exhibition centre, and in hotels as giveaways"
AIO Robotics Heads to China; Partners With Country's Largest Machine Tool Manufacturer. chinatopix|
"in the world, as it expands its business in North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region"
The China International Software & Information Service Fair 2016 Opens in June. prnewswire|
"of the event expected to deliver a brand new outlook for the industry"
MZI Resources Ltd continues mineral sands production ramp up. proactiveinvestor|
"to increase as production at Keysbrook ramps up to achieve design production rates"
Manufacturing Day Producers Announce Edge Factor as Strategic Content Partner. mmsonline|
"to equip event hosts with inspirational media resources"
Proto Labs Incorporated (NYSE:PRLB) Sellers Covered 3.89% of Shorts. bibeypost|
"now own 26.28 million shares or 3.59% more from 25.37 million shares in 2015Q3" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Optomec, Autodesk’s Delcam enter global sales partnership for advanced software - TMD. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"in conjunction with sales of its Aerosol Jet systems for 3D printed electronics"
3D Printed PEEK-Based Composite Pipe for Subsea Oil & Gas Use. ptonline|
"to depths of 10,000 feet and handle pressures of up to 15 ksi"
UPS to launch on-demand 3D-printing manufacturing network. tandlnew|
"from digitisation, certification, order-to-manufacturing and delivery"
Transport and Logistics Industry News, Freight Services, Supply Chain Management. tandlnew|
"a supplier Vanderlande announced record order intakes of € 1.2 billion (AUD 1.86bn)"
EMSNow - Nano Dimension Named a 2016 “Cool Vendor in 3D Printing” by Gartner. emsnow|
"the competitive marketspace and create roadmaps for future product and service offerings"
3D Hubs Unveils New Fiber Reinforced Nylon, Kevlar, Carbon And Fiberglass 3D Printing. gadgets|
"of fibre reinforced nylon 3D printing materials that been unveiled by 3D hubs this week"
PyroGenesis (V.PYR) significantly enhances profitability with lucrative 3D printing . stockhouse|
"on present name from Nobel prize-winning American chemist, Irving Langmuir"
An industrial scale 3D printer for the production of woven fiber composite parts. jeccomposites|
"a new patent pending process known as Selective Lamination Composite Object Manufacturing"
Stratasys sets up first MakerBot Innovation Center in Asia Pacific. 3ders|
"from different faculties and schools invited to experience the 3D printing journey"Report highlights the impact of automation, robotics and big data on the UK’s. newelectronics|
"the investment in current budget, and worried about ongoing costs"
Technology Can Help Fleets Serve E-Commerce Demand, Estes Exec Says. ttnews|
"to simply stop, rebuild and restart core technology, said"
Afinia Label UK Names Nathan Daniel EMEA Sales Manager. prweb|
"that Nathan Daniel been named EMEA Sales Manager"
Dr. Ron Black, Rambus CEO, Joins Microfabrica Board Of Directors. prnewswire|
"to join Microfabrica at this exciting point in the company's development"
Google Releases Plans for New Virtual Reality Hardware and Software. engineering|
"of environments could never go to on any ordinary field trip"
Alevo Splits CEO and Chairman Duties with new Hiring. elp|
"the move received unanimous approval from the company's full board of directors"
MZI Resources Ltd continues mineral sands production ramp up. proactiveinvestor|
"to increase as production at Keysbrook ramps up to achieve design production rates"
Manufacturing Day Producers Announce Edge Factor as Strategic Content Partner. mmsonline|
"to equip event hosts with inspirational media resources"
XYZprinting and Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Partner to Integrate Customized. prnewswire|
"the SOLIDWORKS software, as easy as XYZprinting's plug-and-play devices"
Shining 3D Shines On With New Headquarters, 3D Printing Ecosystem. 3dprint|
"the distinction of being the first company in the newly launched Zhejiang 3D Industrial Zone"
Walt Disney Co Sets Its Sights on Lightning-Fast 3D Printing -. fool|
"of technology to use across its vast business empire, which could be a boon for investors" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printer Manufacturer Opens 'Biggest 3D Printing Innovation Center' in China. chinatopix|
"in the capital city of Hangzhou in the Zhejiang province"
Benelux CIO interview: Stefaan Motte, Materialise. computerweekly|
"in making 3D printing software available to other companies, says CIO Stefaan Motte"
GIS supports new Ricoh MH5220 printhead. cambridgenetwork|
"of industrial printheads and expect rapid adoption in the market"said GIS CEO, Nick Geddes"
INDEX and workspace at INDEX 2016 editions officially open doors with over 1,000 exhibitor. menafn|
"on National Academy awarding the winner of the competition free post-graduate tuition"
ADMAFLEX 130 3D Printer Available for Pre-Order This Month, On Display at TCT Sho. 3dprint|
"as well as a substantial economic one allowing huge savings on materials"
Incredible nScrypt Hybrid 3D Printer Takes Top Honors at RAPID 2016 Innovation Auditions. 3dprint|
"of nScrypt Hybrid 3D Printer Takes Top Honors at RAPID 2016 Innovation Auditions Competitio"
Colorado Springs Forward endorses VanderWerf. csindy|
"of Waller, VanderWerf, and Turner. [Not sure what district're in Check the map here."]
The Booths Of Hamvention. hackaday|
"the usual ARRL folks, to preppers selling expired MREs, and even a few heros of Open Hardware"
Brownwood News. facebook|
"a Facebook account, create one to see more of this Page"
3D Printing Conference with 40 events over three days. pressebox|
"than 160 exhibitors, 700 conference participants and 4,000 visitors from 20 countries expected"
InPrint Germany in Munich offers exhibitors a platform to show cutting-edge printing. whattheythink|
"as good or excellent and highly satisfied with the show"
Twitter to launch ‘Night mode’ soon. digit|
"by a limited number of alpha/beta version testers on Android"
Q&A with recipient of National Medal of Technology and Innovation. dailytarheel|
"it just unbelievable. Especially this president, he’s just such a terrific person"3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing in the Water and Wastewater Industry - Analysis, Technologies & Forecast. businesswire|
"of the latest ground-breaking developments revolutionizing the water industry"
Chuck Hull, 3D Systems CTO and the Father of 3D Printing, Looks Ahead. industryweek|
"The people talk with already fully into digital manufacturing"
Breakdown of Biodegradable Plastics in Ocean 'Extremely Slow,' UN Report Says. go|
"by Plastics in Ocean 'Extremely Slow,' UN Report Says"Former Sun CEO Scott McNealy data on 1/14th of humanity. theregister|
"to receive targeted ads than random stuff don't care about"
Cloud Print Specialist Y Soft Inks New Deal With Xerox. eweek|
"The company’s FY2016 data on current customer and revenue breakdowns by region shows"
CART Launches Retail Innovation Pitch Event. businesswire|
"of domestic and international retail technology startups looking to penetrate the U.S. market" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Comics And Cosplay Are Here With A Star Wars Captain Phasma Helmet Tutorial. bleedingcool|
"to use SCIGRIP to weld 3D printed parts together instead of regular glue"
John Edmark’s Animated 3D-Printed Sculptures #ArtTuesday #3DPrinting. adafruit|
"managed to create some stunning, slightly vertigo-inducing animations"
ZBrush 3D Printing Tutorial. materialise|
"to print model correctly, need to prepare your design and adjust some things here and there"MIT Tech Make It Possible To 3D Print Ultra-fine Programmable Hair. futurism|
"in 3D printing thus far: Printing densely packed, artificial programmable hair"
3D Printing Business Directory SLCO. 3dprintingbusiness|
"a new patent pending process known as Selective Lamination Composite Object Manufacturing"
The Amazing Possibilities of 3D Printing Technology. geekweek|
"of putting large scale print and manufacturing jobs in the hands of the individual" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )New Market Study Published : United States 3D Printing of Metals Industry. com|
"The 3D Printing of Metals market analysis provided for the United States markets development"
Brilliance in diode laser design. lasersystemseurope|
"of handling of several emitters in a monolithic chip at one time throughout production"
Research Report Covers The details on UV-Cured Resins Technologies Market 2016. thrasherbacker|
"of osition and geography) provides detailed overview and predictive analysis of the market"
3D-Printed Hair Is Here, But Its Potential Goes Way Beyond What You Think. bustle
"The 3D-printed hair also displays similar sensory and mechanical uses"
Essentium’s Thermal Welding Tech Brings Z-Axis Strength to 3D-Printed Parts. engineering
"of reason, FFF prints crack along the Z-axis as one might snap a piece of wood"
Singapore researchers unveil 3D-printed customised pills. 3ders|
"With dosage and release rates, which be produced specifically for each and every patient"
Lawrence Livermore researchers discover what causes tiny flaws in metal 3D printing. 3ders|
"the porosity, paving way for an optimized laser powder-bed fusion metal 3D printing process"
Somerset County 4-H Trainmasters spring show welcomes METCA and N. Y. Society of Model.nj|
"of development including Level Design, Animation, Coding, 3D Printing, Robotics"
U.S. Scientists Creating Chimera Embryos For Organs: This Isn’t Your Mother’s Science. inquisitr|
"to chimeras, hybrid embryos, in the interest of furthering science and to improve peoples’ lives"
You Don't Need to Be an Engineer to Build 'Robots for Good'. huffingtonpost|
"for hospitalised children hopeful to experience more from the outside world"New compound switches between liquid and solid states when exposed to light. eurekalert|
"the first example of a method that creates coordination polymers by exposing liquids to light"
Vail Symposium announces summer events. vaildaily|
"on July 30, features lectures and discussions from six scientists"BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 27, 2016 NEWS
Give Drake a View from Anywhere with Your Own 'VIEWS' Figurine. exclaim|
"the pocket-sized 6 God be placed anywhere to overlook any scene choose"
FLEX/design Wins Editor's Choice at The Dieline Awards 2016. dexigner|
"in these kinds of packaging designs and which would not at all be suitable for this double function"
Van Kraftwerk naar Dropbox-werknemers. dewereldmorgen|
"in het debat. En wint De mens, de robot, de arbeid de eerste tussensprint"
Two Canadian Artists Receive the First Think2Thing Be3Dimensional 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"in the detail and the color of the original pieces, which the entire point of project"
10 Irish breakthroughs of the year so far worth celebrating. siliconrepublic|
"to, whether it’s looking at things at a molecular level, or looking into the vastness of the cosmos" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Science Rockets Ahead, Republicans Fail to Keep Up. progressive|
"a new discoveries, inventions and research projects seem to be arriving at a faster rate"
Rocket Engine With 3D Print Launched By University Students. scienceworldreport|
"to reports, the students arereportedlythe first university group to achieve such a feat"
Mantis Inspires Design For New Generation Of Super Strong Materials. techtimes
"the way for the development of highly-advanced aircraft, armor and other devices"
Airbus' Light Rider is The First 3D Printed Motorcycle. carscoops
"a motorcycle instead of calculating spaceship-engines A unique concept born"
Speedy 3D Printed Prototypes: German RepRap Comes Through for Airbus Helicopters. economist|
"To give a concrete idea of the difference between additive and traditional "
GCR - News - Russia plans to put nuclear reactor on the Moon. globalconstructionreview|
"feat that eluded it in the Cold War space race of the sixties and seventies"
Bespoked 2016 - Me, my bike and I. cyclist|
"of sawn-off bike forks, the Bespoked UK Handmade Bicycle Show one them"
Melbourne’s robotic arm breakthrough: Scientists decode complex brain signals. couriermail|
"the sense of touch to those lost limbs and tissues"
Business Brief: Company Behind Parts 'Made In Space' Likely To Expand In Jacksonville. wjct|
"by a company called Made in Space, and it a growing operation in Jacksonville"3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Erasing Isis: how 3D technology now lets us copy and rebuild entire cities. theguardian|
"of Bel’s entrance arch replicated in London and New York as a symbol of defiance"
United Arab Emirates debuts 3D-printed office. employeebenefits|
"The United Arab Emirates government unveiled the world’s first functioning 3D-printed office"
Dubai unveils 'world's first 3D-printed office'. mideastplast
"an glittering skyline, heralding advent in the use of additive manufacturing in construction"
Dubai Gets World's First 3D-Printed Office Building. psfk|
"and improvement after another at quite the accelerated rate"Dubai Has 3D-Printed An Entire Building. popsci|
"that second (and arguably more important) milestone, with an entire building 3D printed"
Construction Industry No Longer Getting Left Behind in Technology. usglassmag|
"of adopting new technologies across both the data center and field operations.”"
Under three weeks of construction: In Dubai, the first 3D-printed office building stands. wired|
"of the Future the first major project of the so-called 3D Printing Strategy of the Foundation"
USA: Additive Manufacturing is the multi-billion business. ots|
"for the launch of innovations and network construction"
The first building in 3D is printed in Dubai"constructed"in 17 days. ibtimes|
"the structure, dubbed"the office of the future", it a special mixture of cement used"
Microsoft to Integrate Materialise Cloud-Based 3D Printing Service into 3D Builder. detai|
"in the detail and the color of the original pieces, which the entire point of project"
Vail Symposium announces summer events. vaildaily|
"the World’s Most Deadly Disease” on July 30, features lectures and discussions from six scientists" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 26, 2016 NEWS
News From the Real World: May 26, 2016. highsnobiety|
"to argue that it only lead to human beings being replaced by robots. –Washington Post"
NORTON NOTEBOOK: Middle school students produce 3D braille. thesunchronicle|
"a tactile picture book with braille lettering titled"
From Moscow’s Cathedral to India’s Taj Mahal with 3Doodler Artist Eduardo Pires. 3dprint|
"a Brazilian studied Computer Science atQueen’s Universityin Belfast, Northern Ireland"
3Doodle Your Own Swirly iPhone Case with Fun Tutorial from Anna Kelly. 3dprint|
"on non-flat surfaces, etc. I think that all the different possibilities and techniques keep me engaged.”
Sophia Wallace Counters the Stigma of Radical Feminist Art. artsy|
"as irations span hip-hop lyrics and an ancient Gnostic manuscript on the divine feminine"
Why the future will be 3D printed. siliconangle
"to improve production efficiency and change the way many everyday items look and behave"May 27, 2016 NEWS
Moholy-Nagy Future Present at the Guggenheim Museum. archpaper|
"to be consistently explores the same themes across the breadth of lifetime"
Dupont awards give only the smallest of nods to beauty packaging. europe|
"from the cosmetics and personal care category"
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ soundtrack vinyl feature etched 3D holograms. insidethemagic|
"appears to connect the past technology with some pretty cool futuristic effects"
Marvel's Villain Problem Extends to 'X-Men Apocalypse'. inverse|
"to dare end a franchise in 2016, it sure would been nice if the stakes felt dire at all"
Costume Designer Colleen Atwood Creates Fresh Fairy Tale Looks for"Alice Through. fashionista|
"on both"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"and"Mary Poppins"Any Colour You Like, Featuring Startups. entrepreneur|
"as well with absolutely no tricks involved. On second thoughts, there a simple trick" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Norsk Titanium announces $10M investment from Harbert European Growth Capi. 3ders|
"as part of the company’s current aerospace production financing round"
The Global Manufacturing Revolution Already Here as Companies Plan to Invest Heavil. 3dprint|
"to compete in the global market. Those surveyed also stated that pressures to reduce pricing"
3D Systems Expands Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, Operations Center. areadevelopment|
"to any plans invest $2.9 million and create more than 50 new jobs during the next five years"
adphos Introduces the New aLITE-Technology Revolutionizing “Direct to Shape. packagingeurope|
"by et or Aerosol , as necessary, for cost competitive 3D-production of 3-D components"
UPS To Launch On-Demand 3D Printing Manufacturing Network. globaltrademag
"to realize the convenience and cost-savings this technology offers, the company said"
Shellmo powered by an Arduino board. opensource
"to no apparent real world use, though with a little creativity see educational implications"
HP Inc. ramping up 3D printing channel. channelnomics
"a Solution Provider Citrix-Microsoft evolution's potential Darwin effect on the channel"
SUMESH ARORA: 0 to 60 in 54 hours. msbusiness|
"a new electric buggy that runs on AA batteries and takes 54 hours to get there"
Is 3D Printing the Catalyst for True On-Demand Manufacturing > . engineering|
"to UPS, these orders then be shipped as early as same day"
Cambridge, manufacturer Kromet International launch $5.3M expansion. canadianmanufacturing|
"on a $5.3 million plant expansion as it works to scale up production"
Next generation of manufacturing opportunities to be revealed. insidermedia|
"a wealth of opportunities set to come under the spotlight at Made in the UK 2016"CART Rolls Out Retail Innovation Pitch Event – Mobile Marketing Watch. mobilemarketingwatch|
"to penetrate the U.S. market, reads an announcement shared with MMW"
Afinia Label UK Names Nathan Daniel EMEA Sales Manager. tenlinks|
"in disc duplication, 3D printing and, most recently, digital label printing"
Global Smart Factory Solution Industry. prnewswire|
"a 127 companies including many key and niche players such as -"
Prodways signs partnership with LAYaLAY in Benelux. eppm|
"the needs of a wide range of industries in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg"
YouTube Messaging App Announced, Snapchat Views Increase. smallbiztrends|
"in this week’s Small Business Trends news and information roundup"
Oscar Planas joins Xaar as Director of Sales America. inverse|
"to dare end a franchise in 2016, it sure would been nice if the stakes felt dire at all"
Oscar Planas joins Xaar as Director of Sales America. packworld|
"with companies such as 3M, Imation, KPG, and Kodak"
Ceremony marks Wal-Mart grants. gazettetimes|
"from the foundation to fund research in advanced manufacturing techniques at OSU"
HP Inc. Adjusts to the 'New Normal' in PC Market. [color=#008000:3740391y]"for hospital|
"in average selling prices in the market and shifting its focus toward growth areas"
HP reveals revenue drop as it looks to make $1bn cuts. channelweb|
"in strategic areas of business, despite tough market conditions"
New iPhone 7 schematics suggest similar dimensions, unlikely front changes. 9to5mac|
"and redesigned antenna lines. Similar three dimensional schematics surfaced two weeks ago" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Check Out This i.materialise Tutorial on Making A 3D Printed Action Figure. 3dprint|
"a potential, i.materialise recently offered a tutorial that outlines how to do this"
Remember That First Kiss Love & Robots Will Translate It Into 3D Printed Jewelry. 3dprint|
"and improvement after another at quite the accelerated rate"
Artists Geoffrey Farmer, Duane Linklater earn 3D printing grants. cbc|
"in, next year, where plans to integrate 3D technology in creating work for the project"
Breaking In: When you've got a winning idea but don't know where to start. examiner|
"a few fundamentals that help start on the road to success"
Alta Vista residents to showcase their awesome side with garage sale, picnic. ottawacommunitynews|
"the Awesome Alta Vista Weekend, which includes a picnic and a community garage sale"
Man, machine and the MET. scadconnector|
"of guests, red carpet arrivals and even where sat at $275,000 per plate tables"3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Graph Expo 16 Education Lineup to Offer Topics for Graphic Communications Industry. piworld|
"the Must See ‘Ems “Best of Category” and “Legacy” Awards and the 2016 “Positively Print"
COMPUTEX Announnces Best Choice Award. eppm|
"from than 400 received entries, released and eight products win the Golden Award"
OKI Europe adds a new dimension to colour printing at drupa 2016 with Neon Colour. realwire|
"to w creative businesses bring designs alive with dazzling, high-quality pigments"
Inauguration du premier bureau imprimé en 3D à Dubaï. journaldugeek|
"in the world, which serve as headquarters to Dubai Future Foundation"
TweetStory: the best innovations of the show Innorobo. techno|
"the aisles to find the most amazing and promising innovations selection of ten tweets"
Trelleborg Announces Major Launches Of Printing Solutions at Drupa 2016. worldpressonline|
"for the job or press.Giorgio Papa, Marketing Director at Trelleborg’s printing solutions"
Bringing the Secret Story of Shadows to Light. moodiedavittreport|
"the retail and dining offer to create an International Wing that emblematic of the city"How a coin toss led to e-commerce: Estes exec talks evolution at ALK Summit. ccjdigital|
"of adopting new technologies across both the data center and field operations.”"
How a coin toss led to e-commerce: Estes exec talks evolution at ALK Summit. ccjdigital|
"a second deck, as needed, by sliding the captive beams down from the ceiling"
Ft Myers News- Press. press|
"tablet and smartphone apps, the e-Newspaper edition and a 30-day article archive"
2nd annual LAUSD district-wide STEAM Showcase is great success. breeze|
"of these subjects to schools and to inspire children to pursue careers in these fields"
Solebloc sneaker festival puts Scotland on the map as the trainer event returns. glasgowlive|
"to opening the doors and transforming SWG3 into a sneaker heads paradise"
Teachers and students meet finalist of Global Teacher prize. nst|
"a few ideas to better engage the children in Science classrooms,” said"
Graph Expo 16 Education Lineup to Offer Compelling Topics for Full . whattheythink|
"a package printing, succession planning, and much, much more. Examples of session topics include"
New printing products to be shown at 'Drupa 2016' by Konica Minolta. huffingtonpost|
"for hospitalised children hopeful to experience more from the outside world"
RAPID Conf & Expo (@RAPID_Event). twitter|
"on 3D: Printing, Scanning and Additive Manufacturing. Join us May 8-11 in Pittsburgh, PA."
All4Pack Paris 2016. sign|
"for processing, transformation and production of filling and packaging machines"
Vail Symposium announces summer events. vaildaily|
offer something unprecedented in Vail and truly spectacular"
No shortage of IoT displays at Computex 2016. computing|
"the industry’s natural nervousness of implementing cutting edge technology" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 29,
Stratasys Suddenly Solves A Ton Of 3D Printing Problems. fabbaloo|
"the most recent announcement, think, quite dramatic in its breadth"
The Foundry Community :: Forums :: 3D printed model of a Tie Pilot Helmet. thefoundry|
"the new First Order Tie Pilot since I though it a pretty slick looking character"
See an Object in AR Before 3D Printing with REALview. vrfocus|
"to reprint corrections – and money – for the materials used in those reprints"
Perspective: Continued Adoption of 3D Printing in the Manufacturing Industry. idc|
"of Research VIce President"
Leasing or Renting a 3D Printer. 3dhubs|
"on how much 3-6 months of use would cost only need shipping, the printer, and accessories"
Customer Login| 3D Models and 3D Software by Daz 3D. daz3d|
"of Printing Tips and Tricks New topic Upload"
I'd Like to share my latest book on 3D printing with the steemit community: 'The zombie. steemit|
"as a to the stage for an emphasis on independence, utility, and practicality"
Is Bed Adhesion really that much of a problem. ultimaker|
"on the glass at 60°C. No glue, no brim, no, no nothing. That's why"
HP Jet Fusion 3D Printer Could Signal New Stage in Manufacturing. catworld|
"the high, and most likely spur greater competition in the field"
Cura 2.1 open beta has been released. ultimaker|
"the folder from the plugins folder. that may unexpected sideeffects"
Ninjaflex| Ultimaker: 3D Printers. ultimaker|
"with 3d printing, with 5 years building these machines, starting with Reprap"
Crowdfunding Fails: When Kickstarter goes bad. 3dprintingindustry|
"to. There masses more that got start thanks to an altruistic crowd"3D Printing Carbon Fiber Bikes. redbull|
"uses 3D Printing technology and carbon fiber fabric to manufacture own bikes"BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 20
Printer3d_One's 3D Printing Hub. 3dhubs|
"à Nice en France| Matériaux: PLA, ABS, PVA, PEVA, HIPS de 200 à 50 microns"
3D Printing the 3DKitBash Mega Ghost. 3dprintingforum|
"of Here Mega Ghost"
Reverse Engineering the 101Hero 3D Printer in Onshape. 3dprintingforum|
"Engineering the 101Hero 3D Printer in Onshape - LIVE"
Extrudr PLA Tec Black. 3dprintingforum|
"a matte wait to start doing keychains with this color. Very promising"
3D Printing Q&A with Maker's Muse and The 3D Printing Nerd. 3dprintingforum|
"of Video 3D Printing Q&A with Maker's Muse and The 3D Printing Nerd"
How can we prevent cracks in Al 6061 after 3D printing. quora|
"to-play technology. Though 3D printing eventually get there for metals"
3D printing – what is it & and why is it relevant to healthcare. themedicalfrontier|
"what may not know the impact that this 3D printing technology on healthcare"
Did You Know That Deadpools Mask Is Partly 3D Printed. 3printr|
"Reynolds head made 3D scanning model 3D printed to sculpt the final design"
SeeMeCNC Eris 3D Printer Fully Assembled. matterhacker|
"an accelerator probe for automatic calibration in under a minute"
3D Life, from Greece, Making 3D Models with Materialise’s Mimics Software. at ***3dprint.c|
"in surgery, cutting down on operating room time and leading to better patient outcomes" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )World's first 3D printed office building. 3dprintingprogress|
"within the building, such as electricity, water, telecommunications and air-conditioning"
3D concrete printing market worth $56.4M by 2021. 3ders|
"an market breakdown procedures used to arrive at the final statistics"
I defeated a long-broken fridge and became a household hero through 3D printing. arstechnica|
"to encountering this nuisance many times. If could fix it, become a minor hero"
Just 17 days to create world’s first 3D office in Dubai [video]. emirates247|
"the world’s first 3D fully-functional office in Dubai now operational"
China-made World's First Functional 3D-printed Building Opens in Dubai. yibada|
"by Yingchuang Building Technology Co. Limited, a Chinese company"
First Entirely 3D Printed Estate Coming to NY,Including a 3D Printed 2400 Sq. nanjixiong|
"the globe, the technology isonlymaking small waves among the construction industry"Services : 3D Printed Building structures. ikman|
"Get a tangible and scale 3D model of house before building it"
3d House Printer. shadeimages|
World's First 3D-Printed Building Completed In Dubai. greenbuildingelements|
"on Emirates Towers premises house the temporary office of the Dubai Future Foundation"
The world’s first ever 3D printed office building unveiled in Dubai. newlaunches|
"in the future, be used to host exhibitions, workshops and other events"3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Innovation Excellence. innovationexcellence|
"on May 18, Credit Suisse also reiterated a Buy rating on the stock with a $19 price target"
Why do seahorses have square tails. newsobserver|
"and one and a half times more elastic than its circular counterpart when crushed"
New dual-step method provides 3D printing of conductive metals.. manufacturingtomorrow|
"a new method to rapidly 3D print free-standing, highly conductive, ductile metallic wires"
Researchers Create Customized Anti-Acne Masks with Form 1+ SLA 3D Printer. 3dprint|
"angst even it’s just one offending fat zit, not to mention a serious case"
3D printed wind turbine could power cell towers in rural India, say student competition hopefuls. 3ders|
"returned to Midwest Prototyping, created the final set of blades for the competition"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"the building of complexes in space v. needing an inflatable room"
Services : 3D Printed Building structures. ikman|
"Get a tangible and scale 3D model of house before building it" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Themuseum plans innovative space for creative young minds. therecord|
"a young minds grow and possibly feed into the tech scene, Marskell explained"
Next stop: Mars| News24. news24|
"from space because microgravity (weightlessness) damage eyes’ optic nerves"
Airbus Innovation Days: A320neo and A350 Production Take Center Stage. airwaysnews|
"a 150kg lighter.” Deliveries in 2016 be 50% ceo and 50% neo variants"
Light Rider, Sepeda Motor Pertama Hasil 3D-Printing ***|
"in the world to combine the technology of digital printing with the automotive world"
A blueprint to build Fox Valley Aerospace. thenorthwestern|
"of the state's largest federal contractor brought money and inertia to these plans"
Creative Birdman 3D Prints Some Winglets for a Better Flight Experience. 3dprint|
"a can’t help himself out a little bit by adding some enhancements to (or) suit"
Rocket Lab’s 3D-Printed Rocket Engine Ready for Test Flights > . engineering|
"to brushless DC motors, which, send liquid oxygen and kerosene to the combustion chamber"Airbus unveils 3D printed unmanned test aircraft. engineeringnews|
"In a issued on May 18, Credit Suisse also reiterated a Buy rating on the stock"
All aboard the FabBus Aachen Center for 3D Printing installs 12 printers. 3ders|
"a Autodesk Inventor and Fusion software. also a presentation area on the upper level"
On-Demand 3D Printing to Impact Navy Fleets in the Near Future. 3dprint|
"by the government , all of which intended to directly benefit the Navy’s warfighter"
HanseYachts builds first 10-meter long 3D printed hull. 3ders|
"with additive manufacturing - The picture seems to be of a milling machine"
BMW Innovation Festival 2016 Full Event Science and Technology Breakthrough. autonetmagz|
"a Artpreneur 28th May. A lot of innovative things here that unfortunately thatpassed"
Cheap Technology Will Challenge US Tactical Dominance – Analysis. eurasiareview|
"in available and increasingly smaller political entities—extending even to individual"
Local Motors is working with NXP together for the first 3D printed autonomous vehicle. 3druck|
"the company announced the next important partnership with NXP Semiconductors"
Time to wake up to the rise of the robots and its implications. irishexaminer|
"a labour market continuing to offer opportunities to hundreds of thousands across"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"a technology could see the building of complexes in space v. needing an inflatable room" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )May 28, 2016 NEWS
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"for QC Here an article from 2015; however, not much been shared since"
For an Optimistic Revolution. huffingtonpost|
"a revolution And such revolutions the potential to change the entire landscape"
Ben Heck's Hackmanji board game. engadget|
"to engage with The Ben Heck Show team, visit the element14 Community page"
CNC Clock Mills Itself, Displays The Time. hackaday|
"to make sure that the machine fast enough to move the balls around within one minute"
A Barcade And Hackerspace, All In One. hackaday|
"for soldering, and a few arcade games. It’s the perfect place for an impromptu meetup"
Meet 'Shellmo', the modular 3D printable robot with a heart. 3ders|
"for Shellmo’s insides in order to “exert psychological effects on us”. Somehow, it works"
3D printers are awesome, but will 3D carving be the next big thing. gadgeteer|
"to be homes, classrooms, and offices. It be used to carve woods, metals or plastics"May 29, 2016NEWS
Haruka Misawa's 3D printed aquascapes will make you wish you were a fish. 3ders|
"a hot-air balloon, actually capable of trapping air, and plants growing inside of it"3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — May 28. 3dprint|
"to prepare different sizes of occluders when performing operations in the past"
Refleksi Perjalanan Indonesia dalam Koleksi Busana Alumni ESMOD. bisnis|
"the Food Festival 2016, yang mengangkat tema Transforming Indonesia into Global Taste"
Niet de deeleconomie, maar de commonseconomie kan de wereld redden. dewereldmorgen|
"a thinking patterns update the financial-economic and social crisis precisely in the hand"
L'impression 3D s'invite dans la collection d'Irina Tosheva. 3dnatives|
"by featuring multiple 3D printed components produced with the firm MK3D Printing"
An Internet of Places, Not Pages: How 3D Could Completely Change the Web. techvibes|
"a interactive not only show that information also create an emotional reaction"May 30, 2016 NEWS
A Visit to Bowers & Wilkins. stereophile|
"for B&W to update its 800-series speakers. Nonetheless, B&W remained tight-lipped"
‘Game of Thrones’ - “Blood of my Blood”: Reunions For Everyone – The Workprint. theworkprint|
"of Meera putting in time at the gym and pretty soon she’s gonna be swole as hell"
Making music with a 3D printed open source violin. opensource|
"___a open source projects that made available through sites like Thingiverse"
Don’t Ban the Bottle Yet: 3D Print This Elegant Voss Storage System From Avooq. 3dprint|
"at watch and wondering how soon run out and buy some Voss water"
Structural keys to fostering great minds. shanghaidaily|
"of science-orientated classes, Shanghai Daily taken a closer look at XJTLU-AS"
3D Printing Business Directory From Prototyping to Production: Is 3D. 3dprintingbusiness|
"as a whole could be much more than just an additively manufactured joyride"
NanoPi M2’s 3D Printed Housing by FriendlyARM3DPrinter. thingiverse|
"of Customized Jacket, Cute and Firm (3D Printing Files available);"
3D Printing & Customized Medical Packaging. studiofathom|