[Plugin] Create Layout File - by SketchUp
For this to be a killer Layout should find ways to:
- Having section lines displayed and named on floorplan viewports (thinking how this could be done)
- Having scene names translate to a viewport tag;
- Having viewport scale display at the viewport tag too;
I would also think on ways to automate pages with multiple viewports.
- I would see this as standard layouts as you can find in some windows split screen apps.
- Splitting pages in viewport areas could split them in several standard way vertically, horizontally or both (like an excell table):
- Split in two: 1/2 + 1/2 ; 1/3 + 2/3; 1/4 + 3/4; and so on...
- Split in three: 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3; 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/4; 1/4 + 1/2 + 1/4; etc...
- Split in four: ...
- And so on...
- On sketchup scenes inspector there could be a way to connect scenes together by page;
- Main scene, secondary scene, terciary scene...
This would then distribute scenes per page automatically into the cells of the table, tag them, etc...
I tend to use the same setup in my documents for this reason, in CAD from a long time ago. So If you set up your LO file (template) right, you can relink to the new SketchUp file (also based on a template (or the last project
What I do is take the layout file that already has the scenes view ports named and the sheets all named etc. I then relink it to the new project, which was based on a template with scenes that I want. So "North" elevation goes to the place where it belongs on layout.
Now projects, buildings, and scenes are all different sizes and shapes, so it has to be worked with, and sometimes changed all around, sometimes remaking and adding sheets. Is there any way to avoid that? No. Show me if you think so. But working up the templates and relinking them saves me some trouble. It's needing ongoing improvements too.
What I would also like to see [and I know this is getting off topic a little but still related] is to be able to set a scale to your viewport in SU. Its done in many CAD programs.
How can you do this? Simply scaled to what the user sees on their screen based on size and resolution.
For instance, zoom into my floor plan and set the zoom scale to 1:100. Save that scene. Now zoom into my kitchen plan set a zoom scale to 1:50 then save another scene.
This way when the SU reference is updated in LO the scales are set for each scene.
Don't know about you guys but I use two screens [different models, same 27" size though] and depending on which screen I zoom extent and update a scene on, when I update the reference the model moves to suit. This throws out dimensions, text leaders, etc and is a killer!!!!
I simply zoom to selection and select the parts I want to see.
The single rule is you can never change a scene camera after inserting it in LO or it will probably change location on the viewport.
I never had a problem with changing viewports in LO (if that's what you mean).
I also have a template with set scenes, but I don't use it. I prefer duplicating pages and changing scenes, It's just a little more effort as I always have to change viewport positions anyway so I prefer to start with the first floor plan and duplicate to all floor plans, or to some elevation and duplicate to a section with same orientation...
Having a template means also having some sort of standard work. I'm designing several different stuff at the same time. Refurbishments, urban blocks, a sofa... it's all completelly different and I have no templates for that... Only styles and units...
Also having a template with a lot of scenes/sections set as default, makes me have to clean a lot of stuff for simpler work.
Your rule about not changing the camera location JQL is exactly what I have issues with. A small difference in screen size can force the model to move in LO viewport without if you're not very conscious of it. I just think a set camera location that is linked to a scale in LO seems logical.
I do exactly what you do regarding templates. I know we can set up our templates with scenes from the SU template but my work differs from job to job so I'd prefer to duplicate, re-name and edit / add viewports as necessary...
@utiler said:
Your rule about not changing the camera location JQL is exactly what I have issues with. A small difference in screen size can force the model to move in LO viewport without if you're not very conscious of it. I just think a set camera location that is linked to a scale in LO seems logical.
So what you're saying is that if you change computers, with the different size in screens, and if you save the model, even without changing camera on scenes, you still get a shift in LO?
Well, I've never noticed it, but I don't change computers often. That is bad...
Either working fro home or the office [which I know is not good] and also having two different dual screens adds to the problem.
@utiler Please rate our automatic layout export features https://youtu.be/RZZHyFv9fE4?si=s3FTAur6YxQcu7Ql