Import dialogue gone AWOL - Mac
I had an important meeting and a client gave me a load of xref'd AutoCAD files... I needed to look at them (or maybe print them) and don't have AutoCAD so slung them into SU.
The first few worked, with the "import completed" dialogue box appearing on my second display but, typically, on the last import of all the drawings (all elements of the same xref'd file) SU locks at the point where the dialogue box should have appeared and I can't for the life of me find it anywhere. Has anyone else had this problem?
FYI This is on a Retina MacBook Pro connected to two Thunderbolt displays making effectively three screens.
You could download Draftsight (free), bind the Xrefs to each drawing, and import them into sketchup.
Thanks for that note JQL. It came in handy for something I am doing. Draftsight on Mac is in Beta but it seems to open dwg files quickly and cleanly, though the ones I tried are not so complicated.
Thanks for the recommendation JQL. I couldn't get Vectorworks to untangle the mess either.
Weirdly I had looked at the page for Draftsight (according to my brower anyway!).The import problem persists though. Basically:
• Import something
• Dialogue box appears somewhere off-screen and is impossible to click "Ok"pbacot - What is this ShetchUp Pro? Is this some kind of new software?
Sometimes I feel I must be new to it.
Did you try DraftSight? You can send the files if you want me to.
What kind of monitors are you running?
Oh "Thunderbolt" is a type. I thought that was just the connection. Size? Size matters! (not to your current issue, perhaps, but to me.)
@pbacot said:
Oh "Thunderbolt" is a type. I thought that was just the connection. Size? Size matters! (not to your current issue, perhaps, but to me.)
They are 27" Apple Thunderbolt monitors running 2560x1440 each
My PC is running a LG 4K but seems to have no problems with dialogue boxes
@jasonwd said:
... the dialogue box should have appeared and I can't for the life of me find it anywhere...
for this bit, did you try 'Reset Workspace' ???
for the stubborn dxf/dwg imports install Teigha File
convert the files manually to dxf or have a look at jimfoltz's plugin freedxf...
it uses Teigha File Converter [same engine as SU Pro] but with different setting to recover more items...