Subtract one solid from multiple solids? Plugin?
I'm working on a model with a lot of unique elements that need to be timed. I'm using the Boolean subtract tool. However, it would be great if I could subtract one solid from several solids at a time. Any such method available? A Plugin?
Have you tried Fredos VisuHole?
@cotty said:
Have you tried Fredos VisuHole?
Looks like it would do what I need but I can't get it to work. I replicated the objects in animation but without the same results. I get no change. Must be something I'm missing. I'll take a look at the manual and see if I can figure it out.
I've used the tool with a preselection of one group with many subgroups, you too? The tool have many different options, I would suggest to watch Fredos video to see the different possibilities...