Router trace
I am interested in different techniques for router trace drawing.
Imagine you have nice flat MDF panel, lets say kitchen door. You are milling a profile on it with some router. So I want to discover the fastest way of drawing techniques to draw it. Maybe some smart simple plugin...
It has to represent that router real trace. Like attached image. Inside corner will be sharp, outside corner will keep routers radius.
It's somewhat trickier than it might seem.
Joe Zeh wrote a discussion of this on his blog:
You shouldn't need a plugin to do it. Besides, there's no reason (except for the practice) to make that more than once. Make one panel with the profile cut and save it as a component for future use. After that, it's a simple matter to make panels of any size you wish.
I must say thay Woodworking video tutorial seems too complicated. And with more complex router shape it will turn into nightmare. I made like attached. Maybe not so bad idea. But I would like to have some plugin who can make trace cut by given routers parameters and shapes. A wish
As I said, there's no need for a plugin for this. Don't make it so complex.