Solid Inspection / Curviloft Problems
I'm getting ready to 3D print 2 things I've designed and I'm struggling with making the whole thing a Solid Object. I've used symmetrical designs and the "Curviloft" plugin to help generate curved faces on my faces, but for some reason its considering the curves along the selected paths to be holes in my object in some cases.
I'm struggling to figure out what exactly I'm doing wrong (since I'm sure it's me). I've made great use of the Solid Inspector tools to help me clean up a few things, but I'm stuck now. I've attached both of my simple models below.
06 - Red_Square - Curves 3D PRINT.skp
First model:
- make a component of all parts
- copy component to a different location and scale up (1000x)
- edit big component
- explode text
- delete internal faces (e.g. use sectioncut to make them visible)
- redraw one line of the contour for the holes
- close component and check for "solid" in the entity info window
- ok, then delete big component and zoom to little one
- save and export e.g. STL
Second model:
same steps, but a lot of manual repairing. The model is solid now, but it's not without problems. If SU ask to repair the model, you should select "no" to keep it as a solid.
I've followed the steps to correct the Square and achieved the same result as you! I really appreciate your advice on approaching and solving the problem. I'm going to try with the Oval at a later date.
I'm quickly learning that for smaller sized objects to design them on a much larger scale first and scale them own to meet the need. For whatever reason, I'm reading a lot of things about how sketchup doesn't deal with things on the small scale as effectively.
Thanks cotty!