[SOLVED]Reloading Component via DefinitionsList.load Problem
How about this alternative...
definition1.name >>> 'A' definition1.name = definitions.unique_name(definition1.name) ### e.g. A#1
Now RE-load the component SKP ['A.skp'] and there is nothing in its way.
Let's assume it's referenced as 'defintion2
It should arrive named 'A'.Now swap over
definition1.instances.each{|i| i.definition = definition2 }
If this whole operation is enclosed in a
model.start_operation... model.commit_operation
that now unused [an empty] 'definition1
' [temporarily named as A#1] is automatically removed from the definitions-list...
@tig said:
How about this alternative...
definition1.name >>> 'A' definition1.name = definitions.unique_name(definition1.name) ### e.g. A#1
Now RE-load the component SKP ['A.skp'] and there is nothing in its way.
Let's assume it's referenced as 'defintion2
It should arrive named 'A'.Unfortunately, the component doesn't arrive named 'A'. definitions.load path returns the existing definition if the path is identical.
I have tried this:
` model = Sketchup.active_model
We have a single component in the model
old_definition = model.entities[0].definition
puts old_definition.path #=> '/HD/Users/User/cylinder.skp'Rename the component
old_definition.name = model.definitions.unique_name(old_definition.name)
Attempt to reload the component
new_definition = model.definitions.load '/HD/Users/User/cylinder.skp'
if new_definition == old_definition
puts "The definitions are the same! This shouldn't happen, no?" #=> ...but it does
end`It appears that the problem is not the clash of definition names when a definition is loaded, but the clash of paths between the new and old components. And you just can't change a definition path other than by loading it! Quite an omission in the API methinks.
In the meantime, my only other option is to temporarily rename the skp file from which the component is loaded using File.rename. It's messy, but it should work ok.
BTW - I am on Mac, Sketchup Pro 2015, and I experience this issue. I would be interested if this is the case on other platforms.
Which is worse: CPU time or Disk I/O time?
You will need to do your own testing, but here's another possible work-around..
in Windows, save the definition as
), and Mac as"/dev/null/"
These are special files that will not actually write to disk, but just throw away the data. But the definition path will be changed.
It's not exactly what you are asking for, but maybe better than creating double files on disk.
@jim said:
Which is worse: CPU time or Disk I/O time?
You will need to do your own testing, but here's another possible work-around..
in Windows, save the definition as
), and Mac as"/dev/null/"
These are special files that will not actually write to disk, but just throw away the data. But the definition path will be changed.
It's not exactly what you are asking for, but maybe better than creating double files on disk.
Thank you for your suggestion, Jim. I have made the test as you suggested:
definition = Sketchup.active_model.entities[0].definition n = 50 Benchmark.bm do |x| x.report("save to nul ") { for i in 1..n; definition.save_as("/dev/null"); end } x.report("save to desk") { for i in 1..n; definition.save_as("/Volumes/.../Desktop/cubes.skp"); end } end user system total real save to /dev/null 7.770000 0.440000 8.210000 ( 8.380249) save to desktop 8.180000 0.630000 8.810000 ( 10.576788)
There is a marginal improvement. I imagine it would be a greater improvement if the save_as path was a network drive, so well worth noting.
Another lesson I learned in the process was understanding how fast the save_as method was. The component in the benchmark above was 3MB when saved. This works out at 0.055 seconds/MB on my Mac Pro (2008).
This contrasts markedly from the Definitions.load method, which guzzles a lot of CPU (it takes 6 times longer):
model = Sketchup.active_model n = 50 Benchmark.bm do |x| x.report("load/save") { for i in 1..n definition = model.definitions.load("/Volumes/Storage/Users/Tommy/Desktop/Component.skp") definition.save_as("/dev/null") end } x.report("save to null ") { for i in 1..n; Sketchup.active_model.entities[0].definition.save_as("/dev/null"); end } end user system total real load/save 59.010000 2.180000 61.190000 ( 61.211738) save to null 8.720000 0.440000 9.160000 ( 9.310672)
So the way ahead is clear. Save to change the path, then load only once.
Have you tried to "touch" the old definition first by making a small change like entities.add_cpoint(ORIGIN) then trying to load the new?
Hmm, if you add an empty Group instead of a CPoint it also works; and then you may need to worry less about cleaning up since the empty group will get swept away.
@tt_su said:
Have you tried to "touch" the old definition first by making a small change like entities.add_cpoint(ORIGIN) then trying to load the new?
Yes, I did! And it works. Happy camper.
@jim said:
Hmm, if you add an empty Group instead of a CPoint it also works; and then you may need to worry less about cleaning up since the empty group will get swept away.
Good point. (No pun intended)
I'll file up the issue internally so we'll look into it.
This is a very useful thread: I'm trying to apply this workaround (add_cpoint) but I'm still getting an identical GUID. Would you mind posting the actual solution, so there's an explicit example I can refer to? For what it's worth, this is my attempt (I'm trying to automate re-loading certain components from their .skp files):
model = Sketchup.active_model selection_set = model.selection selection = selection_set[0] definition = selection.definition definition.entities.add_cpoint(ORIGIN) # not sure if I'm applying this to the correct entity new_definition = model.definitions.load(definition.path) puts "Old GUID; " + definition.guid puts "New GUID; " + new_definition.guid
I'm not sure if I'm applying add_cpoint() to the right entity; also I'm not sure whether creating an empty group is a better workaround as suggested in the thread, or how to do that!).
Finally, this is how I hope to replace the instances (based on someone else's example):
definition.instances.each { |instance| instance.parent.entities.add_instance(new_definition, instance.transformation) instance.erase! }
Many thanks, and hugely appreciated!
Your first block of code changes the selected instance's definition's entities, by adding the cpoint.
At that point I'd also rename it e.g.definition.name=definition.name+rnd.to_s
This should then mean that a re-load of the original definition from the external SKP makes a new definition, auto-reusing its earlier name.
Next you need to swap out any existing instances of the original definition, to use the new definition...
Finally you can clear the entities of the original definition to remove it from the model's definitions list.
Note that you need to have all of this code inside amodel.start_...commit_operation
block for it to take immediate effect... -
Thanks for the quick reply! I think I've done everything right, but I only get a new definition (loaded) when I use the write-to-dev-null trick (but it's painfully slow!). When I use the add_cpoint() or add_group() trick my SKP file is ignored and I get the same GUID back. Here's my full script, if you don't mind taking a look:
require "sketchup.rb" module RefreshComponent def self.force_reload_component_definition!(model, definition) definition_path = definition.path definition_name = definition.name definition.name = definition.name + rand.to_s ## definition.entities.add_cpoint(ORIGIN) ## <== this causes GUIDs to match (fail) definition.save_as("/dev/null") ## <== this causes new definition load (success) reloaded_definition = model.definitions.load(definition_path) puts "Old GUID; " + definition.guid puts "New GUID; " + reloaded_definition.guid reloaded_definition end def self.reconnect_component_instances!(model, old_definition, new_definition) model.start_operation("Remap instances") old_definition.instances.each { |instance| instance.definition = new_definition } model.commit_operation end def self.delete_component_definition!(model, definition) model.start_operation("Delete Definition") definition.entities.erase_entities(definition.entities.to_a) model.commit_operation end def self.refresh_component(model, definition) model.start_operation("Reload current component definition", true) reloaded_definition = force_reload_component_definition!(model, definition) reconnect_component_instances!(model, definition, reloaded_definition) delete_component_definition!(model, definition) model.commit_operation end def self.start model = Sketchup.active_model model.start_operation("Reload component definitions from file", true) model .selection .select { |entity| entity.is_a?(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) } .map { |instance| instance.definition } .uniq .each { |definition| refresh_component(model, definition) } model.commit_operation end end unless file_loaded?("refresh_component.rb") UI.add_context_menu_handler do |context_menu| context_menu.add_item("Reload Current Component Definition") { RefreshComponent.start } end file_loaded("refresh_component.rb") end