3D PRINTERS, Best values/choices? Advice requested.
One of the local high schools is planning to buy a 3D printer next year. I was asked for input.
If there any forum members with experience regarding the hardware side of 3D printing I would appreciate your comments. The sooner the better.
I just did a quick search on the Internet.
This seemed to be the most comprehensive site with comparative data
http://3d-printers.toptenreviews.com/series-1-review.htmlNote sure what the school's budget is, however.
Overall it appears the the Ultra Maker 2 and the Type A Series 1brands are the best value. Type A Series 1 is $250 more but:
- build width is 2.4" more,
- build height is 4" more,
- build depth is 3" more.
- Manufacturer's filament cartridge cost is $35 which is $7.20 less than the Ultra Maker 2
(so long term expenses could be significant depending upon usage).
Negative issue for the Type A Series 1 is it only has ONE printhead v.s. TWO for the Ultra Maker 2
I am not sure which parameters for a 3D printer are the most relevant.
Thanks in advance,
John -
For pricing check here:
3D printer 3d printers for sale with videos 3D printing google.com| search?q=3D printer
https://www.google.com/search?q=3D+printer+3d+printers+for+sale+with+videos+3D+printing+google.com/+search%3Fq%3D3D+printer%26amp;sa=X%26amp;rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-ContextMenu%26amp;biw=1127%26amp;bih=852%26amp;tbs=vw:l,p_ord:r%26amp;tbm=shop%26amp;ei=BUWNVIH-IJDzoATZj4L4Bg%26amp;ved=0CHUQuw0oAAThen make a list from your price range then compare features of the one you found
wide bed prints more for more students/
buy a trusted brand
weight in cost to run
see what what printing houses are using
do you want color?
lot of material to use.
muli head is nice for finish goods
weight your contact for a local machine - faster feedback for help
The first buy you make will be a test machine, your model T.
What format do your software have.
I been a HP person myself and my market it still not here yet for me the home user. (3d printing)
I usually don,t reprimand a brand over another. I just show news accounts
This all in one look easy to use (low res)
Will you be getting a commission, dot your i's, make or get 3 bids. Good hunting -duke jazz
Hi John,
A school's budget may be better spent getting several small printers that multiple students can use vs. one large printer. As print size goes up, print time increases exponentially, and it's best to not leave printers running unattended, so a bigger build area isn't necessary good for a school setting.
As far as important features, you want to look for a printer that doesn't require proprietary filament, or you'll end up paying extra unnecessarily over the long run. Most printers can use generic filament - some exceptions are Cubify and newer Makerbots - stay far away from them!
Filament is usually PLA or ABS. PLA is corn-based, stiffer, better suited to figurines, and has less odor. ABS is stronger and more flexible, more heat resistant, good for making functional parts.
Dual print heads are more of a gimmick than an actual useful feature.
An enclosure and heated bed are nice, especially if you want to print with ABS plastic. This is because ABS will warp while printing if there is too much change in temperature from the ambient air or from the plastic cooling after being printed.
I would recommend the Ultimaker if you just want one printer, or several of the Printrbot Simple Metals if you'd rather have a small fleet.
You may also ask Mike Hathorn if you'd like advice from a teacher using Sketchup and 3D printing in a classroom setting.
Thank you for the replies. The school intends to buy 3 printers so, dozer, your advise will be definitely be taken.
hey John,
Here are sone people ratings of the best machine's
Reviews are in at the 3dhubs
Welcome to the 3D Printer Overview. 3dhubs.com|
http://www.3dhubs.com/3d-printers"Curious about the best of best? Find our full reviews in the 2015 3D Printer Guide, or jump straight to one of the 5 categories: Enthusiast, Plug ‘n’ Play, Kit/DIY, Budget or Resin."