Another client Logo with LayOut
I like also
I like the first one more
Yep first logo, gives an impression of someone that works with CAD with the additional lines. Very appropriate for the company concerned.
...but, it wouldn't work well in many situations.
Those thin lines would dissappear if the logo is scaled down. -
Perhaps the additional lines could be part of a page background.
Nice! The two gray tones give it a 3D look.
Thanks all, the first version is simply to show how the artwork was constructed. I get lots of PM's asking how I do these logos in LayOut so this was included to display how. It's not meant to be an option for the logo!
That said I agree with you all, there is something really funky about seeing the structure. I think because we all come from a design background so we appreciate that side to any work.
How much will you charge for a logo design
your logos are amazing -
@imabzeous said:
How much will you charge for a logo design
your logos are amazingThanks for the confidence boost mate, pricing wise, that's a bit of an open ended question.
This AKARA logo by itself is probably $1000 as its a corporate logo that needs to stand the test of time, but it came as part of a bigger package of determining the brand name itself, searching available domains and any trademark conflicts.
Most of the logos I've been producing are to support and include a domain that I've personally secured and vary in price from 3g-10g though if the client is undertaking a full branding exercise and home design licensing, I'll often absorb that cost.
For a simple project logo, that will only be for short term use, where we can get away with standard commercial fonts - like these below that I did up yesterday, are only a few hundred bucks, but again generally are part of a larger complete marketing package.
Thank you so much for your reply. i am a young architect currently employed
but sson am gonna start ma own studio, and you ll be the first one am gonna contact for logo design.. really liked your logos, simple elegant and something that has soothing effect for eyes
Do you make the entiere alphabet?
By Ryo-Ta
i just went through your website and i was o.O
did u render those houses/models in Sketchup? like that Storage Qube, Inhabit, Qubeik and panelform images... those are amazing renders.. any tutorial or workflow please -
@unknownuser said:
Do you make the entiere alphabet?
No Frenchy, just the bit they need, doing the whole lot and glyphs would be a huge task!
Nice image, I like that!
@imabzeous said:
i just went through your website and i was o.O
did u render those houses/models in Sketchup? like that Storage Qube, Inhabit, Qubeik and panelform images... those are amazing renders.. any tutorial or workflow pleaseThanks mate! I'm a really LAZY renderer. I just use Maxwell pretty much straight out of the box, no materials other textures applied direct to the model, excepting I might use the lacquer preset in the plugin. I pretty much always render with skydome and sun on.
Do yourself a favor and download the free version for sketchup an hit render, that's about it!