Online tutorials for layout?
I am a longtime Sketchup(Since v4-2014)and AutoCad user. When Layout first appeared I gave it a try, but it seemed so rudimentary to me, and I never tried it again. It seems that is has improved a lot and I was interested in using it for quick and simple projects. I don't know what the problem is, but I tried to access the Sketchup Layout tutorial videos but they won't play. I tried on my work computer, my home computer, and my iPad, but no go on any of them. Can anyone recommend some good tutorial videos? I did find two on youtube that were quite helpful. I also bought the Paul Lee book from this site and have gone through that. However, I'd like some info that goes a little deeper.
Matt from MasterSketchup wrote a great Layout tutorial:
Edited to add a link to his Youtube channel, since you asked for videos!