Component Definitions
I've got a model that has several instances of linear arrays within it. All but one of those linear arrays has the same name under Component Definition in the Entity Info menu, except one array, which lists each member of the linear array as a unique definition, starting with the original and each copy being named "original#1, original#2, original#3, etc.". I'm attempting to use the CutList plugin to produce a cut list, and I need those components to be listed on the same quantity line. Unless the Component Definitions are the same, they are listed separately under the unique definitions. No matter what I try, I can't make it quit renaming the copies in the array, and I can't change the definition because SketchUp requires them to be unique. Is there any way to stop it from renaming the component copies?
i think some dynamic attributes cause instances to become unique - could this be the case here?
Maybe, but there are other components that apply the same attributes based on different inputs that aren't creating unique instances. I would think both would be affected if an attribute was the cause.